I Won't Crucify The Things You Do

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(I forget Wattpad doesn't have a notes part... agh.

There is a scene in here that- you'll know when you see it- I did not write with the intent of shipping. There is no shipping here.

Warning for blood/murder (obviously). Major character death with an asterisk.)


"Of all things... a party?" Ivan asked. He looked over to Christian, who was not so subtly checking himself out in the glossy floor's reflection.

"Well, I'm just glad Den got sent to time-out for this mission. It'd be difficult to stop her from going on a massacre with so many people here." Christian grinned. "Damn, my hair looks good."

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the prize." Ivan smacked Christian on the back of his head, making the other sputter.

"Agh-! Don't ruin it- fine!"

Ivan chuckled softly as Christian quickly fixed his hair.

"Right.. the prize. We're meant to kill some snobby rich guy? We've done that plenty of times before." Christian said.

Ivan agreed, "Yeah, but this one has a particularly popular daughter. Guys will be fawning over her, and he's gonna be finding a suitor for her. Kristine, I think is her name."

"So to isolate him from her..." Christian hummed. Ivan didn't like the look on his face.

"Dude, you can't go running off like you usually do. Curt will seriously kill us if we fuck this up."

"This time, my running off might be helpful." Christian glanced down at him with a smile.

Before Ivan could stop him, there was a voice in his ear and Christian was visibly gone, slipped through the cracks of the crowd. Ivan cursed, but tried to listen to the speaker.

"Ivan?! Ivan- do you hear me? Where the actual FUCK is Christian? His earpiece isn't working, either!"

It was Curt.

"Oh, shit- Curt! Dude, he literally just left me, I swear to god, he was right here just a second ago!"

"Not only that, but his tracker's gone as well. Ugh- how did he even... never mind! Just- Ivan! Listen to me. Get his ass back to you!"

"Don't worry, I'm already on it!"

Hurriedly shuffling by a few guests, Ivan looked around the ballroom. It was a graceful place, and he was sure that under other circumstances he'd enjoy the scenery. There wasn't any time for it now, though. If Christian got injured, Ivan needed to be there.

There was a reason for why the two were paired up for this. Ivan hated to admit it, but with how his abnormal eyes were able to spot Christian's spiked up hair from a mile across the room...

He'd be lying if he said they didn't work exceptionally well together.

Now with a clear view of his partner in crime, Ivan began his chase once more. He saw that Christian was at the top of the stairs, meaning that he'd have to go through quite a bit of people just to meet him halfway. The agent rushed behind a waiter, apologizing quickly to anyone he accidentally bumped into while his eyes were locked onto Christian.

If he lost the other in the crowd, he was able to scout him out faster than he'd lose him. This at least gave him the much needed confidence to not give up.

Wait... was that...

Ivan skidded to a stop, his jaw dropped as he realized what Christian was doing. He couldn't believe his eyes, and he couldn't believe his stupidity for not realizing it before.

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