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 I looked at Brown's newest Instagram post with stupid Green. Brown had tagged Green in the post and I used that to my advantage. I looked through all of her posts hoping there would be some information about her job or her house or if there was anything that could help me find her. I had been scrolling for so long before I found something. It was a picture of the sunset from what I assume is her apartment. I checked Google maps to find the buildings across from her home. After 2 hours I finally found them. I counted the windows on the buildings to find out which floor she lives on. Now I just have to wait outside of her house to find out when and where she works. I need to know everything about her.

I watched her leave her house at exactly 7:30 in the morning and get into her bright green stupid Toyota Corolla. I hopped into a cab and told the driver she was my friend and we were headed to the same place together. I saw his eyes in the rear view mirror look at me funny but of course he complied. We drove all the way to her work place and I paid him the money and ran into the building. I realised quickly how much I hadn't thought this through. I had strolled into a Ralph Lauren office with nothing to do. The woman at the lobby office looked at me and must have noticed my confusion. "Can I help you, sir?" she asked me. I panicked. "Oh, um I, I, I would like a, um, a fitting." I said. "Oh, of course. Do you have an appointment or would you like to book one?" She asked me. "Um, no I don't have an appointment. I was wondering if I could maybe just do one now?" I said, my voice wavering. "Yes, of course. We have someone available in 15 minutes. Would you like to do that?" "Yes, yeah no that would be um, that would be perfect." I replied to her. She told me to sit on the couches in the lobby and wait for someone to come and get me. I sat down and checked Brown's instagram again. She hadn't posted anything yet. After a while someone came down. A woman wearing a pantsuit with dark black hair. She called me up and we walked up to her office.

"So, what are you thinking?" She said, "Oh, um, what?" I replied. "What are you looking for here? Something for work?" "Yeah, something for work." I said back. Shoot, now I'm going to have to buy some stupid fancy suit that's only funding them to pay stupid Green. "So, what do you do?'' The woman asked. I looked around her office to find something to tell her. I couldn't tell her about my real job. All I do is sit around and play video games to make money. I looked to my left, an email address was written, of course! A google account, accountant! Its genius, no one ever questions accountants. "Oh, I'm an accountant. What do you do?" she laughed at me. I sat confused for about 15 seconds. "Ah, haha youre a tailor, sorry, my bad haha" i said quickly. She took a bunch of my measurements and when it was finally done she told me to come back tomorrow to get my suit. I thanked her, payed and ran out the door.

That fitting took like forever, Green better not be gone yet. I checked the parking lot and found her car. Thank god. 

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