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Chanel pov

"Dad" I smiled walking over and hugging him.

"I love you so much, but that was so dumb" he said hugging me tighter.

"I couldn't leave her, I-i just couldn't" I said as he nodded kissing the top of my head.

"You are so, so brave, Nel's" he smiled at me.

"Buck and Hen said i should be a firefighter" I laughed as he nodded.

"You'd be one bad ass firefighter" he laughed as I hugged him once more.

"I have to go get checked, but I will see you later?" I asked as he nodded walking away.

"hey" Bucky said coming over to me.

"Hi" I smiled at him, as he sat down next to me.

"You okay?" he asked looking at a cut on my arm as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, just a little scratch" I chuckled smiling at him.

"Im still in shock of what happened" he said as I nodded.

"Something in my gut told me to go out there, and then to not leave her. And im glad" I said looking around at everyone.

"Hey, i have to go check something, but ill be rigth back" he said as I nodded.

"Don-dont leave" he stuttered running off as I laughed at him.

I was sitting on the chair when Jasper and Ari ran over to me "you dumb bitch!" she yelled hugging me as i laughed, when Jasper joined the hug.

"I fucking love you! but you're so fucking dumb" Jasper yelled kissing the top of my head.

"Stop, it wasn't! I had to help her" I said breaking the hug with them.

"i know you did. Curse you for being nice" She said waving my off as she smiled hugging me once more as I laughed kissing her forehead.

"Ready to go back to our duty" Ari asked linking all of or arms as I nodded.

"Lets go!" I yelled as we rushed back to the ambulance and back to the hospital.

"I have T40!" Someone yelled as soon as we walked back into the hospital.

"Check the pulse, and start pumping the stomach" I yelled as Ari ran over to help so Jasper and I could get dressed.

After getting dressed i walked into the room "Name" I asked grabbing a clip board.

"Uh, Jackson Rock" She said as I nodded.

"What was it" I asked writing more things down.

"Xanax" She said as I nodded.

"Did you pump his stomach"

"Yeah, and Micky game him water and he threw the rest up which is good" she said as I nodded putting the clipboard on the door as I left.

I was at my dad laying on my old room as he hasnt left since the whole plane thing went down, and hes been drinking once more

"bobby?" I heard followed by the door shutting, I got up putting a sweater over my crop top and walking out into the living room seeing Hen and Buck.

"what are you guys doing" I asked as they jumped looking at me, as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well, hes been MIA since the plane" Hen said as I nodded.

"i know."

"And we were worried"

"i can see"

"So can we-"

"go for it" I said sitting on the couch, as they walked into his room

"Nevermind i wanna see this" I whispered to myself, going into my dads room and leaning on the door.

"Bobby" Hen asked

"Bob? Bob? Hey" Buck said poking him.

"Come on, lets get him up. You're a doctor right get him up" Hen said as I raised my eyebrows.

"Feisty" i smiled at her.

"Put him in the shower, hed be pissed if I dump water on his bed" I said as they nodded grabbing him and sitting him in the shower, as I turned it on.

We were now sitting on the couch in the living room, I was bored this wasn't very entertaining.

"how long has it been?" Buck asked as I was eating some ice cream.

Dad sighed "546 days. 45 and a half if we're being picky. Days 18 months." He said as I ate some more looking in between them.

"That crash was hard-core" Buck said as Hen brought my dad a cup of coffee.


"we all have our breaking point" Hen said sitting on the table.


"who were you cooking dinner for" she asked as I stopped eating the ice cream once Buck looking at me.

"fuck you" I mouthed looking at him.

"when and where" he mouthed, as I fake gagged.

"i dont know. i was drunk. I am gonna be fine. this is a one-time thing i promise. im good" he said mainly looking at me.

"I'm sorry for putting you guys through this. and you again" He said as I smiled sadly at him.

"You know why redwoods can grow so high? They move and bend with the wind. If you stay rigid, eventually you'll break" Hen said as dad slowly nodded.

"You calling me uptight? She's calling me up tight, isn't she" he asked looking between me and Buck.

"Maybe ask for help once in a while" Buck suggested.

"Easier said than done pretty boy" I said putting my bowl and spoon in the sink before sitting at the kitchen table facing them.

He looked around as I knew he was about to cry "help" he said before beginning to cry as i walked over hugging him starting to cry on my own.

Hen came over on the other side hugging him, as Buck sat next to me.

"im sorry, you guys. im sorry" he said as I placed my head on his shoulder, as Buck put his arm around mine to put his hand on my dad.

"dont be" I said as he put his arm around me kissing the top of my head.

"I love you so much" he said squeezing me as I chuckled.

"I love you more" I smiled as Buck scoffed.

"where's mine?" he asked looking at my dad as he waved him off.

"haha bitch" I mouthed looking at him, as he looked at me mouth agape.

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