Diagon Alley

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As we walked into the Leaky Cauldron I was met with the scent of Firewhiskey and the strong smell of cigarettes. Samuel and Adam already had their last year's robes on.

We continued through the small, cramped space. As we walked people bustled past us in a hurry, trying to get their last minute shopping done.

My family and I pushed past the large amount of people and entered into the back alleyway where the entrance to Diagon Alley was. My mom took out her wand and found the brick to press to open the doorway.

As the bricks separated from each other the sights, sounds, and smells from the shops met my senses. I eagerly looked around. I saw a couple hundred wizards hustling from shop to shop.

I had heard about it from my two brothers and I now knew that it was three times better than what they had said. My mom took my hand and helped me around. First we went into Madam Puddifoot's. I got my school robes and she let me pick my pet out as she got the rest of my stuff.

I took ages to pick it out. I couldn't decide between a cat and an owl. I picked out a black cat, but it's two different colored eyes made it stand out to me.

I named her Arielle. After that my mom met up with me and we headed to Ollivander's. I couldn't wait to get my wand, so I ran ahead of my mom.

I went a little too fast and as I entered the store I ran into a girl with long platinum blonde hair

"Oi! Watch where you're going peasant! Who do you think you are!?!" She yelled at me.

"I was just trying to get my wand, that does not mean you can just yell at me like that." I retorted, "it was an accident."

"Accident or not, you should be more careful! I am a noble and should be treated with far more respect than this rubbish!"

"Just because you have slightly more money that you can spend does not make you better than everyone else!"

"Well excuse you! I also am a Pure-blood! My father works in the department of mysteries and my mother works with Cornelius Fudge himself! Besides, it's not my fault you're stupid and poor."

"I am not poor because obviously I can pay for all this stuff. And being poor does not make you stupid. Your logic is flawed. Now let me get my wand so I can leave."

"Ok, first of all I was here first dip shit. And second, you're just a filthy creature. There is no way you could be pure. Now wait your fucking turn." I hesitated and waited until she was done.

By that point the other girl standing off to the side got in and stopped the fight.

"Just stop fighting already. This is becoming a pointless argument over nothing."

The rude girl asked meanly, "Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Leina Otaku." The quiet girl said.

"Oh, you're an Otaku. You're fine." She then directed her question to me, "Who are you?"

"I'm Malena Abbot"

"I don't know that name you must be a mudblood."

"I'm not a mudblood." I was outraged how could she call me that?

"Yeah sure whatever you say you filthy mudblood."

Ugh! She makes me so mad and I don't even know her.

Then my mum walked into Ollivanders.

"Hello Ms. Kirkland." The rude girl said, and her stature became very proper. She changed the way she acted.

I looked around the room and the other people looked at us with confusion.

"Hello Ms.Kirkland." Said the male who looked just like his daughter.

"Hello Father. Hello Mother." Said the rude girl.

""Hello Mr. Bellerose." Said my mom with a hint of disdain.

"Mummy, you know him?" I said worriedly to my mum.

"Yes I work with him."

"Father who is that?" The other girl said.

The guy went on about how they work together. I didn't want to listen to what he was saying.

Ollivander came over and gave that girl her wand. It was a dark wand with yellow sparks coming out of it immediately.

The girl Leina got a red-brown wood wand that looked like mahogany.

Ollivander came up to me and had me try out many wands before my 13 inch, redwood wand showed itself to me.

The phoenix feather made the Sparks look like they were a fire dancing out of my wand.

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