Day 1 (The start)

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I got woke up by the irritating sounds, though it was all black, I couldn't see anything, I keep hearing car alert sounds, fire crackling, screaming and beeping sounds, it sounds like I'm in a hospital?. I tried to open my eyes and then I can finally see, I look up to see a white ceiling, I looked through my side, a machine. I looked at my side to see a IVcanula it seems to be pulled off from my wrist. I tried to sit up though it was pretty hard but I could still do it, my back was aching and my arms were weak, I sat up from my bed and took a step through the floor, it was cold. I could feel my bones due to the coldness, I slowly walk to the window even though it was hard since my whole body as weak, but I manage to get to the window, I opened the blind to see...

A Catastrophe..

A few days ago

I sat in my chair, my fist on my chin, my other hand resting on my table, our teacher was busy explaining about things, though I wasn't listening. I was really bored and my brain couldn't process a single thing. As many thoughts went through my head, I felt somthing flew to my head, I grabbed it. It was a paper plane, I looked behind me, it was my friend June, He grinned gesturing me to open the paper. So I open the paper to see words 'wanna go hangout later?', I gave him a thumbs up meaning I accepted.

After school

As I was walking through the hallway, a raven haired boy ran to me, he putted his arm on my shoulder.

"Hi Charlotte! How was last period?" He asked

"It was tiring, Our Teacher gave us a surprise test, and my brain wasn't processing, but it's fine now, since it's already done. I don't have to suffer anymore" I frowned, today was the worst day of my life

"That's the worst" He agreed

"But anyways, why don't we brighten up your day and go to the arcade? I feel like going to a arcade right now." He sounded like a child right now

"Sure, I guess" I replied

As we went to our way through the arcade we talked about things, our thoughts, and theories. After that we finally arrived in the Arcade, there wasn't enough people but that's good, I don't like crowded places. I walk through a lot of arcade machines, looking through games if I see any interesting games, as I went to the corner I saw a zombie game, I've been thinking a lot about what would happen if the world would be invaded by zombies. Would I be one of those badass main characters in those zombie movies. While thinking about those, someone grabbed me from my back, I looked behind, oh, it was just June.

"What's up?" He asked

"Looking through games, though I found this zombie game, wanna play this? It looks like we can do multi-players" I smirked

"Sure, the person who gets the highest score, who will be the one who gets free food" He replied confidently

I went to the other machine and took the plastic gun that was attached through the machine, June also did the same, the screen turned on, showing words 'start' 'save' 'load', I clicked Start, the screen went all black after that. My heart was racing, I was getting excited.

The screen showed a place, I supposed this was a abandoned house or building, I don't really care that much, it was the start of round 1, I was already getting a lot of points, though June seem to catch up. As round 5 came, a lot of zombies are barging in from the windows, I shot a lot of them, the game was so intense, sometimes I or June gets down but we always save eachother. As round 9 came, we both finally died, but surprisingly I got the highest score! I laughed at June 

"Ha! I won! I'm literally the best in these Zombie Games, you think you could beat me?" I laugh and playfully punched his arms

"Well congrats, so wanna go to cafe right now? It's on me, since you won the bet" He replied

"Sure, it would be an honor to have food for free" I smiled cheerfully

We slowly went our way to the cafe, we talked a lot about stuffs, life is good.

As we finally arrived we went to a table, and sat. The waiter went to us and asked about our orders, we chose each food we like, after that the waiter went back to the counter.

"By the way, I've got a lot through my mind lately" I said

"Oh, what's that?" He asked, she/he stared at me concerned

"Nothing serious! Just some made up scenarios, like those" I laughed awkwardly

"Ah, I see. Mind telling me?" He asked

"Well, I always think about what would happen if it was the end of the world. Like if one of us won't find each other, and one of us are in danger, what would happen."

"Hmmm, I've actually thinked about those but I haven't think about what would happen if we got separated, I mean if we did. I would find a way to find you again." He Replied

"That's a good idea but what if one of us dies?"

"Well, I don't know, but we should find a way to help ourself if we were in that situation." He replied sternly

After a lot of talks, the waiter finally went to us and gave us our order, we ate and talked about random things that came through our minds, I love how close we are, we're like siblings. I miss my family, but still life is great..

As we were done eating, we finally said our goodbyes, I walked to my house, I stopped to the doorway, it was noisy inside, it was very irritating, my Mother and Father are fighting... Again. I twisted the doorknob and slowly open the door to not distract my parents, I don't have time for them for now. I am so tired of their bullsh*ts. I walked through the hallway and went to my bed room, I threw my bag at the corner and changed after that I went to bed, I stared at the ceiling for a while, a lot of things came through my mind, what would happen if I died, will my parents cry? Will my friends know? I laughed, I don't even have that much friends. But I couldn't care that much, as a lot of thoughts came through my mind, my eyes were finally slowly closing, It was so peaceful in my room and quiet, I couldn't hear the arguing anymore, then slowly drifted to sleep..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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