Chapter 1

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The life I've lived up to now was great. You know, the all love peace happiness kinda life, where nothing really mattered, where all you do is laugh, and practically live with your friends. Your mom included. A classic example of me at that time was camp last summer. The heat was so unbearable I felt like I could just chuck two hot dogs on the dirt road and come back an hour later and they'ed be cooked. Overlooked to be exact. It was beating down on my head as my friend and I, ( the seal club As we used to call ourselves) walked down from our cabin down to the lake. I looked over at Gracie, her blonde hair glowing as the setting sun hit it bringing back out the yellow and oranges, hidden from her summer tan. "Do you think there's sharks at the lake?" She said as she kicked a marble size rock farther in front of her, as she had been doing for the past ten minutes. She calls it a skill, rock rolling to be exact.
" ya might have to ask google that one."
I said sarcastically. waiting for her usual reply back after my usual response.
" well ya never know...., if there is I'm naming it bob. "
" you do that" I laughed,
watching the small sliver of the sun disappear, as it hid behind the lunch hall. I remember the feeling I felt that night, that light buttery feeing you get when you feel like you can do anything. I look over at Gracie, or flippers, her seal name, mines George ( don't ask why ) and gave her a small smirk, she returned it, which gave me comfort, knowing we were both thinking the same thing.
Race time. We bolted forward to the lake hearing the whistling of the wind in our ears not caring what it was saying, gulping breaths of cold air, feeling the rush down my spine. Our feet fell into step together as our once competitive racing slowed into a jog, to a complete stop. Gasping for air I looked up at her, and had a sudden urge to laugh, so I did. And so did she. We laughed for so long and so hard till the sun went down, that moment we shared, I will never forget it.
In the middle of our laughing attack, we saw the light. The small circle of a key chain flashlight pointing to a small area on Gracie's shirt we both looked at each other.
" oh crap " Gracie whispered as our lauphes became swallowed giggles and We picked up into a run back to our camp cabin. Watching the camp officers flashlight bob behind us for a while until the light stopped, seeing that we had gotten to the cabin. We slowly crept into the cabin , took off our shoes, listening as the snores of our camp mates grew louder and louder as we opened the wooden door. We hopped skittishly up into our bunks and froze as the flashlight entered the room searching for the late night culprits. Sharing a quick knowing glance we pulled the stiff covers over our heads until the light left, we ditched the late night camp under the blanket ghost stories we used to read and went to bed. The chirp of the crickets and the creaks of the bunkbeds put me to sleep that night, I never felt more happy and comfortable in my whole life. We never did get caught by the way. And the next morning, at breakfast, Gracie asked if rocks could talk,
"You might wanna ask google that one" I said, as we pored our syrup onto our soppy camp waffles and laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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