Chapter 19

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Y/n - Your Name
S/n - Sister's Name
B/n - Bey Name
F/s - Favorite Shirt / Favorite Shorts
F/p- Favorite Pants
F/c1 / F/c2 - Favorite color1 or 2
H/l- Hair length
H/c- Hair Color
R/u- Random Upgrade

*S/n POV* 

There's times where i wonder if i should contact Free or Valt, I am getting extremely worried about Y/n, I'm scared that he will hurt someone in his current state.. I felt so extremely bad for those kids and their poor beys.. 

I'm still to young to get my own bey and to be honest i don't know if i ever wanna get one after seeing how it affecting Y/n, maybe one day but not anytime soon. Anyways I've been thinking of talking to Free or Valt in secret, i just want Y/n to be safe, whatever is going on with him and B/n isn't healthy. 

So basically i went back on my word and decided to go to find this "bombers" club, honestly the name is just.. something else? But to be fair, they should've asked me to give them name ideas, seriously..

*Time Skip* 

I have been walking for like.. at least forever.. Gosh i am lazy, anyways i couldn't find my way to bombers but i did spot a certain someone in a coffee shop, sigh, Free De La Hoya, god he is scary and quiet good looking.. Darn it S/n! Stop it!

Having to swallow my pride i went up to him from the behind and poked his back, he turned around slowly looking down at me like he was already bored, i guess he didn't recognize me after we changed looks..

S/n- Haha Hey Free.. 

He looked at me weirdly as i said his name as if i knew him, well i did but not that good like Y/n did, he seemed to be alone, i didn't see Valt or his other friends.

Free- Do I know you?

Free said looking bored and bothered like he wanted to get away as soon as possible 

 S/n- Hrm I guess you could say so, Its me S/n, you know? Y/n little sister

I said and his eyes widening, Y/n was right, he looks like a deer at times, gee Free, time for you get a new look..

Free- S/n? What are you doing here.. without Y/n? 

S/n- Well you see that's why i'm here in the first place haha.. 

We sat down on a bench near a fountain, closer to a forest since we didn't want people to hear our conversation..

Free- So why did you find me? 

S/n- *Sigh* I'm worried about Y/n, hes been acting really strange lately, you know, he can just start staring at B/n and everything feels tense..

Free- What do you exactly mean by that? 

Free spoke with a slightly worried voice but barely 

S/n- I don't know, Free, his training is based on breaking others beys and im getting worried hes getting out of control, i heard him in his room talking about becoming the best and taking revenge and he won't stop until he breaks every bey in his way.. 

Free- *Sigh* So hes becoming like how Aiger was.. I see..

S/n- Who is Aiger again? 

Free- Aiger Akabane

S/n- The annoying guy? 

Free- That must be Dante you're talking about..

Free said while chuckling and I joined in, yeah i know i was messing around, Yeah i met Dante and Aiger before Y/n went to make B/n 

S/n- So.. What can we do?

Free- I.. I don't know, i guess someone has to make him realize what hes doing is wrong..

S/n- I see, so i guess we need to stay low for now?

Free- Yes

S/n Is it okay if we meet up once a week and talk about this? I get scared when im around Y/n too long..

Free- Yeah that should be okay, but i have to sooner or later go back to Spain..

S/n- Got it! Also i have to go back before he starts looking for me.. Bye Free!

We said our goodbye's and i went straight back home before Y/n would notice i wasn't home..

*Free's POV*

I could feel my heart pound loudly in my chest and ears, someone gotta stop him before he totally loses himself and B/n.. I get why he's doing this but.. I will be the one to beat him.. Me and S/n well mostly S/n could get him to Spain, get him to compete against Lui, Me, Valt etc.. Oh right.. 

Lui Shirosagi, broke Y/n's first partner i helped make Svafnir, He was so happy that day.. i remember when we finished making it, and i still remember clearly the look in his eyes when Lui broke it, laughed at him, calling him weak.. 

Lui is probably first on his hitlist, but knowing Lui, he doesn't go down easy.. 

We all need to watch out for now and keep it low.

Words: 825 

Shorter chapter today since this is all the time i had :-) So Free will be the lucky fella to get a chance to date Y/n~ 

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