You've Changed.

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Old "friend": you've changed..

Me: you the beginning I just thought you were busy with school or there was stuff going on at home and that's why you never responded to my texts... But then 2 weeks passed by and I still got nothing....I finally just stop waiting(no I really didn't) 4 weeks and you didn't even look at me when we passed by each other in the halls. My depression was getting worse. My anorexia got so bad that I only ate about 300 calories a day. My self harm? That was the worse, it moved from my thighs to my hips to my ankles to my stomache to my wrists cutting twice a day 4everytime in each place getting on average 80 cuts every other day.... I kept hoping you come back and save me from the pain I was in, save me from the darkness that was threatening to over come me....but you never did....did you really expect me not to change after all that?
~~actually personal experience

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