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No matter how hard I tried, I was not able to convert her knights into my bishops. Her knights stood loyal to her. Making sure to not overshare and making sure to distance from me. My queen and I never held another conversation after that project. 

I feel at an all-time low now. It's getting darker in this world with every moment, I am at a wall of strain. Her barricading walls are never ending and I feel drained from attempting to overcome one just for another one to resurface. My heart's sore from the rejection but I can't help but find her everywhere. I need her.

Nonetheless, I persisted on, rejecting all of the clear signs of rejections and crossing all of the clear boundaries. I shamelessly chimed into multiple conversations between her and her friends and even tried countless times to come into close contact with her. All of my hard work only created new walls and boundaries against me. 

But I did not give up.

Although the academy was a great help in uniting us, I made sure to sign up for the same classes as her, just to be with her. I switched my French foreign language to Spanish, just so I can walk with her to her class and be on the same floor as her. I chose the same science classes as her even though my parents wanted me to take AP biology and chemistry. I went against them to take regular physiology and psychology with her. I even purposefully walked around the school during lunch to find where she sat with her knights. I sacrificed so much and she doesn't even realize it.

We also joined the same clubs. One of the clubs we joined was called DNS, which required us to attend a welcoming banquet. I still remembered that moment. When I walked in, I immediately locked my eyes on her. She wore a beautiful white dress. I looked around and realized that all eyes were on her too. I was not the only one who laid my eyes on a gem. I couldn't bare it. I walked to her and pestered her again about accepting my follow request, for which she declined again. I want her to wear dresses only for me. 

That night, I couldn't stop staring at her profile picture. It wasn't even a picture of her, yet I couldn't help but stare. I ended up falling asleep with her in the palm of my hand. 


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