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Sabre's Pov
I'm currently outside of my house and Time cooking something in the kitchen whike talking to Light i went Citadel
to find most of the lesders are..DRUNK?! "Okay so you are saying their still drunk!?" I said a bit confused and concerned "Yes." Blue leader said "We are a bit unsure want to do since, their people will start panicking if they find out." Green leader said "How much did they drink?" I asked "We don't know." They both said in a union "It can't be that bad right..?" I said

i was so, so, so, wrong.

I went into room where Blue said where they have been taking care of the other Leaders and i see Indigo on the freaking CEILING and Yellow running around and Orange is still drinking as i was looking around Indigo fell from the ceiling hitting me on to the floor "aH-" I screamed as i fell on the floor. Again. "ow.." i said as Blue walked in "Sabre are you okay?" Blue asked "Yeah..perfectly finne.." I said Indigo was on top of me until i felt something on my face i touched it and looked at my hand it was blood "oh." i said out loud 'i guess i hit my head that hard huh.' I thought as Blue got Indigo off me i stood up "Sabre you're bleeding!" Blue said "It's fine." I said "No! I'm gonna get Green just stay here alright?" Blue said as i nodded "Indigo Leader are you okay?" I asked "Yeeaaahh i tthhiinnkk ssoo??" Indigo said as he sat down with me i cleaned up the blood on my hand a bit using my sleeve as Green walked in with Blue "What happened?" Green Leader asked "Indigo Leader fell on top of me." I explained as Green walked up to me and held my hand i saw a light green glow on my hand i felt a bit warm but atleast i wasn't bleeding anymore "Thanks." I thanked "You're welcome" Green said as he smiled, i smiled back "i should get back to Time and Light i don't want them to start worrying about me." I said as i stood up "Alright see you soon Sabre!" Green Leader said as Blue Leader waved at me as i walked away as i found my way outside i felt a slight cold breeze run through my hair it was nice and soothing as i walked to my house i opened the door to find Time on the couch waiting for me "Oh! Sabre you're back!" Time said happily "Hey Time! How's your day?" I asked "Going well so far Light decided to get some more sleep. What about you?" Time asked "Well. I just found out that some of the Leaders are still drunk, and i hit my head today so i would say it's doing okay." I replied "Wait you hit your head!? Are you okay?!" Time said in a panic as he ran up to me "Time i'm fine! You don't have to be so worried for me ya know." I said Time huffed "As your mo- friend i can be worried for you when ever i want." Time said i smiled.

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