Chapter One

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A Mr. and Mrs.Armani argue upon the birth of their first child, a beautiful baby girl. Although the first born of the Armani family,she was seen in disgust and hate for not being a son. Being blamed as bad luck,ruined her family reputation and would never be accepted. Her mother was constantly being blamed for giving birth to such a vile creature. Her father on the other hand hated the child he had no choice but to use the child as a son.

"You did this! YOUR FAULT WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!" he screamed at his wife. "OH SHUSH! This is because of your family" She screamed back pointing her finger in his face. "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BEFORE I" before finishing his sentence the loud cry of a baby were heard. "OH look what you've done you woke OUR baby up" " That thing will never be mine, I'll never accept It" he screamed at his wife before storming out of the room. "UGH! I just can't with that man" she said walking to her daughter's crib. She looked at the crying child with hatred,becoming annoyed with the child."OH hush now, LORETTA!" she yelled out only for a short Asian woman wearing an apron to appear behind the doors. "Yes, Mrs.Armani" Loretta asked politely. "Take this child and make her stop that annoying noise" she said annoyingly waving her arms onto her ears."Yes, ma'am" Loretta quickly bowed her head before walking to the crib.

Loretta picked up the screaming child and wrapped her in a light purple blanket."Hush now little one, no need to cry, I'm here." she said rocking the child back and forth. "What is your name? Loretta questioned "um Mrs.Armani!" She called out for her boss. "Yes Loretta?" she answered from the other room. "What is this child's name?" "That child has no name,but I suppose she needs one, as a reward for working with us for 15 years you may name the child." she said looking at the child in disgust."Oh my! thank you." Loretta said bowing her head while a giant smile forms on her face. "Yes yes, what are you going to name IT?" Loretta looked at the child in her arms,a smile forming on her face,seeing the child's beautiful cocoa eyes and a smile showing brightly off the child face. "I think I'll name her 'Vivian'." Loretta said smiling at the giggling child in her arms. "Very well then I'll have the birth certificate updated" She said nodding her head, then walking away only the echo of her heels hitting the floor could be heard.

"Your mother says you're a curse, but to me you're an angel from the heavens." Loretta said to the cooing child. "Life here is gonna be very hard but I'm here to care for you." Loretta kissed the child head softly and rocked her sweetly in her arms. The child coed in delight,smiling back at Loretta,wiggling in her arms. "Come now, time for a nap, Vivian." Loretta walked through the nursery doors, shutting the door following with a loud bang.


"Vivian,dear it's time to wake up!" Loretta cheerfully walked in, opening the curtains letting the warm sunlight say hello to the sleeping girl. The warm light made the girl turn in her sleep, a soft groan slipped from her lips."Come now, Vivian you're going to be late for school!" Loretta quickly made her way to the end of the bed and forcefully yanked the covers off Vivian body.

"Ah! Loretta it's to cold!" Vivian whined,moving her body into a fetus position,shivering softly. Vivian opened her eyes looking tiredly at the ceiling,her messy brown hair covering most of her face.She shifted her body now laying on her back, before yawning loudly and stretching her arms. "Come now! We must have you out of here by 8 o'clock Vivian!" Loretta told Vivian before rushing to Vivian's closet to get her school uniform. "Loretta please just a few more minutes" Vivian begged, covering her head with a pillow,groaning loudly in annoyances. "My dear, you're going to be late and I don't think your mother and father will like your lateness" Loretta told Vivian. "What does it matter if my parents care, they are too busy with the new baby." Vivian sat up and shuffled her body to the edge of the bed.Loretta stared at the Vivian back in sadness seeing the scars from Vivian fathers stupidity, but quickly changing seeing the bird nest that was created in her sleep, Loretta chuckled shaking her head at the tired girl, seeing the bags under her eyes as well. "Maybe,if you didn't sneak out at night and slept you wouldn't be this tired." Loretta said, making her way to Vivian grabbing her hands and pulling her off the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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