Scene Three: University

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The exams came and went, Angela passed with flying colours, Mariah also passed with above average marks but Kimmy did not.

Angela and Mariah were called to a good university and they have been at the university for over one year both therefore in their second year.

Act 1: Changes:

[Angela and Mariah are at the dorms since joining the university, they have been staying together - there are two seats and two beds in the room and a place for writing - there are also shelves for keeping their stuff]

Angela: The classes today were lit, I never thought I could enjoy learning so much.

Mariah: Mmmm...always with your books, you never think about anything else apart from your books?

Angela: And why not? What's wrong with me sticking with the objective that brought me to this institution of higher learning?

Mariah: All work and no play makes you my friend a very boring person!

Angela: I would rather be a boring person than a failure at my studies.

Mariah: And what do you mean by that?

Angela: I mean my friend, since we came here I noticed that you have changed...

Mariah:Pray tell, how?

Angela: I notice your grades have gone further down because you spend little or no time at all studying...

Mariah: Continue...what else have you noticed?

Angela: The clothes you wear have become designer clothes - very expensive and I do not think it is your mum or dad sending the money for these. Also I notice you are spending a lot of time with guys and most of them are not from this university; some of them seem to be a lot older. Also the money you have with you is a lot...

Mariah: Hey! Nose in other people's business. Keep your opinions to yourself. We are adults here and I will live my life the way I please!

[There is awkward silence after this outburst and each of them starts doing their own thing and after a short while Mariah walks out of the dorm]

        *******End of Act 1*******

Act 2: Problems:

[Angela and Mariah are at the dorms a few months after Act 1. Mariah seems worried about something]

Angela: My dear sister, today you are not the fun loving person I have come to know since we came to this institution....what is wrong?

Mariah: It is nothing, I am okay.

Angela: Come on, do not lie to me girl, I have known you most of our lives and even though I might not fully understand this new person I see after we moved to uni....I can still tell when you look troubled. Come on...spill the beans, what's up?

[Mariah goes to the door of the dorm and quickly closes it, then goes and sits very close to Angela and in a whisper starts to speak]

Mariah: I was taught how to play this game but I guess I am not an expert....

Angela: What game?......Go on be clear and let me know what is going on.

Mariah: You want clarity, my impatient friend? OK. I am pregnant!
[After saying this Mariah looks down and seems close to tears]

Angela: [In a slightly louder voice] WHAT!?? You are pre...[she does not go on because Mariah has her hand shutting her mouth and  Mariah is holding the pointing finger of her own other hand to her lips - signalling her to be quiet].

Mariah: Not so loud, I do not want the entire neighborhood to know!

Angela: [in shock] How did this happen?

Mariah: We all know how these things happen, I am sure your mother taught you about the birds and the bees. So that is not the right question, the right question is: what am I going to do? My mother and father will kill me!
[Mariah is now in tears and Angela moves close to conform her].

***End of Scene Two***

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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