Chapter XV: Don't Touch My Stuff

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The pair joined the others. They watched Zero climb the ramp into the Crest. Nylah's jaw clenched. The child was in there, locked away in the sleeping chamber. One of the largest, most popular bounties she had seen in a while. If these guys knew anything about it, which they might, as soon as they saw him, he was in trouble.

"So the package is being moved on a fortified transport ship," Mayfeld started. He pressed a button and a blue hologram appeared of a long ship. Nylah's eyes widened and she turned to Mando. She could tell how pissed he was becoming. His armor clad body was ridged and she could see his gloved hands tightened into fists.

"Now, we have a limited window to board, find our friend, then get him out of there before they make their jump."

"That's a New Republic prison ship. Your man wasn't taken by a rival syndicate. He was arrested," Mando said, his voice laced with anger.

"So what?" Mayfeld shrugged.

"A job is a job," Ranzar reminded him but it didn't matter.

"That's a max security transport and we're not looking for that kind of heat." Mando gestured to himself and Nylah.

"Well, neither are we. So just don't mess up."

"The good news for you is the ship is manned by droids," Xi'an said, her flirty smirk plastered on her lips once again. "Still hate the machine, Mando?" Her fingers delicately traced the ridges of his shoulder pad. Nylah's eyes narrowed at her stupid purple head.

"Despite its recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess. The power lines are leaking, the navigation is intermittent, and the hyperdrive is operating at 67.3 percent efficiency." Zero spoke as he slowly made his way down the ramp of the Crest.

"72 percent!" Nylah corrected.

"We have much better ships," Zero said, not paying attention to Nylah. "Why are we using this one?"

"Cause the Razor Crest is off the old Imperial and the New republic grid. It's a ghost," Ranzar answered.

"Yeah, and we need a ship that can get close enough to jam the New Republic code. So, when we drop out of hyperspace here," Mayfeld gestured to a specific spot on the blue hologram grid. His finger created a red line through the grid. "If we immediately bank into this kinda attitude, we should be right in their blindspot, which will give us just enough time for your ship to scramble our signal."

"That's not possible, even for the Crest," Mando said.

"That's why he's driving." Ranzar nodded to Zero. Mando's head snapped to the droid as the group laughed.

"Mando," Ranzar put his hand on Man's shoulders, as if they were still friends. "I know you're a pretty good pilot but we need you on the trigger. Not on the wheel."

"Don't worry, Mandalorian. My response time is quicker than organics. And I'm smarter, too." Ranzar shoved Zero away and turned to Nylah.

"Nylah," A grin played on his gross, wet lips as he looked her up and down. "What are your skills?"

"Sharpshooting, tech, and stealth," She answered. Short and sweet, she thought.

"Sharpshooting, huh? You wouldn't happen to also be an Imperial Sharpshooter, would you?" Mayfeld asked, suddenly more interested in her.

Nylah raised a brow, "Not even close."


The ride to catch up to the mobile prison ship so far had been silent, and Nylah wanted it to stay that way. Burg had begun to press random buttons, like a toddler who was easily entertained. When the weapons vault opened Mando immediately pressed a button on his vambrace and it closed again, much to Burg's displeasure. The red giant turned to Mando and growled.

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