Breathe In Deep And Say ... Goodbye

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Far out here with the stars and the moon, i know its where you belong because it's where i found you. Your pure jet black coat and your big brown eyes, grabbed me and held me every so tight.

Everynight at twelve A.M, you stood five feet away from me and my hand. You didnt want to breathe the same air as i, but you stayed and listened to me silent cry.

As you saw my pain and understood you let your head fall silently into my hand, and soon you could feel my pain as we came together with both each other and the land.

I remember we sat under our tree, and you laid your head right beside me. As i started singing you to sleep you hung onto every word, and when i began to cry you laid your head in my hands to let me know everything would be alright.

We spent hours a day under that tree of ours, and you trusted me more each time. we became so close, so inseperable that you protected me from even the flies. We'd lay for hours just staying close as i stroked your beautiful mane, and you puffed out air as you settled in beside me and i softly sang.

But now as my warm tears splash onto your face, i must do the one thing i've always faced. I have to say goodbye once more, and again i'll feel lost and torn. As you look up at me with those big brown eyes i know that soon you'll be gone, so i wait and silently cry.

As the fog closes in and you forever sleep, the tears fall down and i began to weep. As i realise goodbyes are forever and your never coming back, i myself die as i hear you take your last breath.

But now as i stand under our tree, i know this is where im meant to be, to keep you alive with me as you gallop through the breeze. and i can feel you now as you silently blow my hair, i hold out my hand and say 'I'll soon be there'.


Thank you for reading my poem i hope you liked it :)

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