At school

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Ray Ray: who is the girl in all that black in that curly hair
Prodigy: oh no bro nah bro the one with that white shirt on that's mine
Princeton: bro the one wit all that white on is fine
Roc royal: they cute and all but the one with the blue jeans and white and black Jordans now thats bae
Diggy :who is that one with all that white on
Kim: said they are coming over here look
Monica: coming over here
Tiffany: can't you see
Emily: Mindless Behavior stupid
Random girl: don't be talking about my man
Kim: first of ball they don't like you so back off
Random girl:ok ok
Ray Ray: so I went up to Kim and said do you want to go out
Kim:yes i do so Ray Ray put his hand over me and hugged me
Tiffany: so sweet
Princeton: I know right so do you want to go out with me
Tiffany: I said yes and he leaned over me and kiss me
Monica and prodigy:prod ask Monica out: Monica I said yes and he gave me a stuffed teddy bear
Sierra and roc royal:roc said do you want to go out in I said yes and he gave me a kiss
Diggy Simmons and Emily
Diggy said to me do you want to go out with me and I said yes and he kissed me

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