Chapter 1

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Hydra base

"Hallway clear" Clint yelled at Natasha as they inspected the Hydra base that had been destroyed by the Shield.

"Okay. I'll also check the room at the end of the corridor", shouted Natasha and began to search the rooms.

She moved down the middle of the corridor and glanced in a few doors to see if anyone was hiding there.

She was about to leave when she heard a soft cry coming from the door at the end of the hall.

She approached the door, raised her gun and opened the door.

She expected to see everything possible, but what she finally saw shocked her.

"Oh my god," she gasped in horror as she looked at the little skinny girl who looked like she was six years old.

Natasha bent down to the height of the child and looked into the tearful eyes of the girl, in which you could see the pain.

"Hey sweetie, my name is Natasha and you?" Natasha asked in the sweetest voice.

"Sophie", stuttered the broken little girl.

,, Beautiful name. How old are you Sophie?" Natasha asked cautiously

"Seven", answered the little girl.

"Wow. You're no longer a little girl, but a big girl, aren't you?" said Natasha and Sophie nodded.

"Natasha, are you okay?" Clint asked from a distance.

"Yeah. I'll be back in a moment", shouted Natasha back.

"Come on sweetheart," Natasha said gently and gave the little girl her hand.

"I promise you we won't hurt you. We are the good ones", said Natasha and the little girl finally grabbed Natasha's hand. 

Natasha took the girl from the room where the Avengers were already waiting.

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