Seal of Slumber

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I heard the voice again. A sweet whisper curling around my dreams and stirring me from my slumber. With burning eyes from dried tears I searched for the source in the lush green room they had provided me for the year in the Hall of Lamination.

At night the plants draped from the celling and around my bed like a canopy offered the sweetest smell of jasmine that usually kept the dreams at bay.

But I still heard the voice calling to me.

" has to be you. Come to me. Come to the stairs."

I knew it was a mans' voice. It didn't match any of the brothers that I had met so far. And Lucifer had insisted I had met them all. The entire Demon Court. Lucifer always warned me quite blatantly to not let my curiosity get me killed when I had mentioned the stairs to him.


"I'm coming." I whispered back, the voice sounded so sad. So lost. So alone. The Hall of Lamination was dead silent this early in the morning. Portraits and ancient artifacts played witness to my sneaking around the twists and turns of the luxurious hall. I counted the doors I passed, gently brushing my hand against each one.

Asmodeus. Leviathan. Beel. Satan. Lastly, I stopped briefly in front of Mammons door. The counterpart to the mysterious sigil that had earned me a spot in this program to start with. For a moment, I was tempted to knock on it. To check on him. To ask him if he heard the voice too. He refused to admit to our connection beyond confirming we had one. Maybe I could catch him off guard if he was half asleep...


The voice called to me again and I left Mammon's door in my shadow. The end of the spiral staircase stared at me like a lounging beast on a plateau. Last time Lucifer had swooped in to stop me from getting more than halfway.

But Lucifer was no where to be seen. It was just me and the ghosts that haunted the student hall. And a voice guiding me up like following a dream that was slipping away.

The door was the only thing at the top. Elaborate enough. Dark wood with engraved sigils and patterns I only vaguely recognized. When I pressed my forehead to it I felt something like a cool breeze greet me as I strained to hear the other side.

"I knew you heard me." The voice startled me. It was a man's voice. Gentle but with a certain darkness I often found in the realm of demons. "I thought I'd be locked up here forever. You have to help me."

The plea for help gutted me like a wild animals claws. Jiggling the handle I found that not matter how hard I pushed, it did not budge.

"How do I help?" I pressed both hands to the door searching for any panels that might give way to a lock.

"You're going to help just like that?" The voice sounded amused.

"You're trapped, aren't you?" Something was tugging at the threads that kept my memory bound. A throbbing headache soon followed when I tried to remember more. Only fading when I relented in trying to grasp at memories and refocused on the door.

"You have to convince Lucifer to let me out!"

"Lucifer?" Fat chance of convincing him of anything.

"He's the one who locked me away. He should be able to lower the wards!"

I stepped back suspicious. "Why did he lock you up?"

The voice growled in frustration, "Why does that matter?"

"It matters." I whispered back. He sighed on the other side.

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