Chapter 1. Surreal Dreams

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Taylor couldn't believe her eyes. Stepping out of the cab and onto the bustling street of New York was like some sort of surreal dream. The people bustled by her paying no attention to the fact that she felt she couldn't breath. Standing on the sidewalk looking around at the building was making her head spin. Taylor's life had never been comparable to something like a movie until now. Stepping out of the cab was like walking straight into a movie, the lights aglow so bright it was the only thing she knew that could rival the stars back home. Digging for her wallet she paid the cabbie who waited expectantly after setting her bags on the sidewalk. Pulling the backpack onto her shoulder and grabbing the two suitcases she headed inside the building.

The elevator was broken. Of course it was. Taylor sighed before moving towards the stairwell. Four short flights of stairs later Taylor was out of breath and at her new front door. Her new apartment was by no means big, but for a one bedroom apartment in New York it was fairly spacious for one person. Being sure to lock and deadbolt the door for her mother's sake Taylor moved to put her bags in her bedroom. Walking past her small kitchen she realized her mom and dad weren't kidding when they said they had moved all her things in as a graduation present. Looking to the connected living room Taylor felt grateful that her parents had hired that moving crew as she thought about trying to get the couch, tv, and tables up all those stairs. She shuddered and moved through the second door on the right to enter her bedroom. Dropping both bags at the end of her bed and her backpack onto her bed, she moved back into the living room leaving her shoes at her bedroom door she ungracefully flopped down with a heavy sigh. It was official now, she had moved to New York.

Taking her phone out of her pocket she dialed her moms number, knowing what a hassle it would be later if she didn't call now. Her mom answered on the third ring.

"Hi mom, just wanted to let you know I made it to the apartment and I'm laying on the couch completely safe." Taylor reached for the remote to turn the tv on, however her arms fell short by about two inches. stretching as much as possible without actually moving she continued trying as she listened to her mother, Andrea, talk, adding in a 'yes' or 'okay' when necessary. Finally with a bit more stretching her middle finger reached the end of the remote and she could almost get it close enough to grab.

"Taylor Alison Swift, are you even listening to me?" Taylor jumped slightly hearing her full name being used in that tone, causing her hand to flip the remote off the table in the wrong direction making it even farther away than it was before. She let out a frustrated sigh knowing she had wasted all that time and would have to get up anyways.

"Of course I was listening." Looking at the remote she decided tv wasn't worth the extra effort and rolled over on the couch.

"What was I saying then?" Taylor paused, she should have known that question was coming. She tried to remember the key words she heard while her mother was talking and regretted focusing so hard on the remote.

"You were saying how much you love me and how proud you are that I got accepted into NYU with such a great scholarship?" Hearing Andrea sigh Taylor knew she had been caught but when the sigh turned into laughter she knew she had said the right thing.

"While that may be true Taylor, I was asking 'how you liked to way we had your apartment set up' when you just replied with 'yes'." Taylor sat up on the couch and put her hand up in defense as if her mother was actually in the apartment with her.

"Hey I was really focused." It wasn't a lie, she had been very focused on getting that remote.

"On what? Grabbing your phone charger or getting the remote?"

"The remote."

"Taylor." They both shared a long laugh at Taylors predictable antics.

"Well since it's about 8 here that means it should be about 11 there, you better get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. I love you Taylor, call me tomorrow night. And stay safe."

"I'll call you to tell you how everything goes tomorrow, I love you too mom. I promise I'll be safe, wait you are sending the cats Monday right?" Andrea let out another laugh.

"They will be there monday, your brother is bringing them up. Since you couldn't wait any longer. Do you want to talk to them? Olivia is laying on the couch next to me." Taylor considered it for a moment before the teasing tone her mother had used set in.

"Very funny, goodnight mom."

"Goodnight Taylor." Taylor slide her phone on to the table and looked at the ceiling. Sure it was 11 but that didn't mean it felt like 11. In Taylor's mind it was still only 8, and she can't remember the last time she went to bed at 8. She stood up and moved to the fridge hoping for something to make for dinner. Empty shelves stared back at her.

Closing the door she moved through each cabinet. She knew if there wasn't anything in the first two there probably wouldn't be anything in the rest but she searched anyways and came up with the same result each time. Slipping back on her red keds she moved a suitcase to dig out one of her coats or sweatshirts. Finding nothing in her suitcase she moved to the closet. Pulling on a baggy black sweater from somewhere in the mess that is all her clothes she grabs her purse, keys and phone and heads out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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