Chapter 5

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Another portal opened. A green woman, a blue woman, a woman with antlers, a grey with red lines man, a raccoon, a tree and a normal looking man. 

"Please present yourselves. You are here for the business that I told you about a few days ago," Dr Strange told them.

"I'm Gamora," the green lady said.

"Nedula," the blue one said.

"My name is Drax!" the greyish man said.

"I'm Mantis," the one with antlers said in a very similar dreamy voice that Luna had.

"Rocket," the raccoon spoke? 

"Blimey Harry! The raccoon speaks!" Ron shouted to his friend.


"I am Groot," the tree spoke too?

"I'm Peter Quill, aka, Star-Lord. We are the guardians of the Galaxy," the normal human informed them. 

Just before another word could be spoken, another portal was opened and another woman came in. 

"Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel,"

Everyone muttered about the new comers, but the loudest of them all was Tony.

"Hey Cap! You have competence, huh!"

"Shut it Tony!"

"You are now going to watch Infinity War. This is the future, so please watch carefully so that we can fix it," Dr Strange told everyone.

The movie began.

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