The First Day of the Rest of Their Lives

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It was a typical Monday morning at Johnson High School, with students streaming in through the front doors, exchanging greetings with friends and shuffling to their first period classes. But for a select few, this day would mark the beginning of a new reality, a world where the dead walk and the living must fight to survive.

Sixteen-year-old Alex Parker was one of the lucky ones to make it out of the school alive on that fateful day. He had just stepped out of his first period math class and was on his way to his locker when the first scream echoed down the hall.

At first, Alex thought it was just a student pulling a prank, but as the screams continued, he realized that something was seriously wrong. Students were running in every direction, knocking into each other, and shoving past him as they tried to get away from whatever was causing the commotion.

Alex pushed his way through the panicked crowd, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening, and that's when he saw it. A student, covered in blood and growling like an animal, was lurching down the hallway towards him.

The once-familiar face of the student was now twisted into a grotesque mask of death, their eyes cloudy and staring. Alex knew immediately that this was no joke, that this was real and that he needed to get out of there fast.

He turned and ran, dodging around students and jumping over fallen backpacks as he made his way towards the front doors. When he finally burst outside into the bright sunshine, he thought he was safe, but then he saw them.

There were more of them, walking aimlessly around the school grounds, and they were closing in on the students who had managed to make it outside. Alex didn't hesitate, he ran as fast as he could, dodging around cars and sprinting down the street.

He didn't stop until he was blocks away from the school, panting and gasping for air. When he finally caught his breath, he looked back at the school and saw the truth. The entire building was surrounded by the walking dead, shuffling and growling as they tried to get in.

From that moment on, Alex's life would never be the same. He was one of the survivors, one of the few who had lived to see the first day of the rest of their lives in a world overrun by zombies.

As he stumbled away from the school, Alex knew that he needed to find other survivors, people who could help him figure out what was happening and how to survive in this new world. Because as long as there was even a glimmer of hope, he refused to give up.

Zombie School: A Survival TaleWhere stories live. Discover now