Chapter 12: Tell-tale

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(POV: Iridaya)

Hah! — On my first day, too! I'm so going to be able to use a crossbow now.

My feet carried me the entire way back to camp, my legs not letting me stop for anything until I got there. My worry about being followed wore off eventually, knowing there was no way anyone could've kept up with me for such a long distance.

I jumped the fence surrounding the camp, rushing inside, forgetting to wipe off my muddied feet as I entered, too exhilarated to care. — Quaritch wasn't were he usually was, the control room, so I went to the only place I knew he went, that being Spider's room.

I tried to push open the steel door, but it was locked. So, I started to bang. Really, really, loudly. I peered through the small window, seeing Quaritch inside as I'd suspected, watching him come closer to let me in. When he did, I didn't waste my or his time.

"Sir! Sir, I found something!" I gasped as I spoke, still out of breath from all the running and searching.

While Quaritch seemed at least a little interested, Spider however looked up with extremely interested eyes. I waited for Quaritch to say something, eventually receiving a "Well? Go on."; An indication that I was allowed to speak.

"I, — I was near the spot from before, and— And I heard voices, so I got closer and—"

"Jesus, kid. Slow down, will 'ya." Quaritch cut me off, causing me to close my eyes, take a deep breath in and start again.

"I saw those Sully kids again." I looked up at him, this time he looked much more open to chat. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Spider suddenly raise to his feet, getting up from the bench. I payed him no mind.

"And? Did they say anything useful?" Quaritch stepped out towards me, his hands that were previously on his hips dropping to his side.

"Yes, they—"

I paused. I didn't plan on it but I did. I saw Spider's face, his eyes mainly, that had a look of warning, worry as well as pleading in them. He looked desperate for me not to speak further, most probably knowing already what I knew about the Sully's.

I hesitated, and Quaritch noticed it.

"They what?"

I gulped, only watching the spider-boy who slowly shook his head. He mouthed the word 'please' a few times, causing me to shift in my place.

"Hey!" My hands flinched at Quaritch's voice. "What did they say?" He sounded stern and impatient, my mouth running dry suddenly.

Just say it, say it.

"They said, uhm." I gulped once again, breaking my eyes away from both Spider and Quaritch, fidgeting with my fingers.

What the hell, Iridaya. Just say it, seriously.

"They said,—"

I could see Spider shake his head again even though I wasn't looking directly at him. I wasn't sure why I couldn't speak; It was like I was being stopped somehow, like the words got stuck halfway through the route from my head to my lips. I knew what I wanted to say, but that didn't help.

Shit, Iridaya.

I took in another deep breath.

I have to, he has to know. I can't lie, I won't lie. It'll help, I know it'll help. I can kill him, I have to kill him, this will help. Yeah. — Okay.

"They're leaving, they're— going to a different clan." I finally and quietly managed.

"What clan?"

I tilted my head away from him, knowing I had to do what I had just mustered up enough courage to do once again.

"It was something like, the uhm. — The Metby- No. Metkayina, yeah."

No words were spoken, but Quaritch smiled. He walked over to me, his height suddenly becoming much more apparent, before placing his hand on my head. He held it there.

"Good work, kid." He said to me as he took away his hand. "Do you know when they're leaving?"

"Uhm... Uh, — No. No, I don't, sorry sir."

He chuckled, placing his hands back on his hips.

"Well." He didn't sound disappointed, like I thought he would be to hear the bad news. "We'll just have to beat them to it, won't we?"

I almost smiled like he was, but I couldn't get to that point.

Why won't he stop looking at me like that? He looks downcast... No; He looks distressed, frustrated.

I did what I was supposed to, right? I told the captain what he needed to know, what I needed to tell him. I've helped, I've done well. He's proud, someone is actually proud of me. I've done everything right, so...

Why do I feel like I've screwed up? — Why do I feel ashamed? I shouldn't, I should feel glad. I have an oath to protect, I have a job to do and now I'm one step closer in completing it. I should be proud, too.

...He's not my friend. He was never my friend, never. He was always a Sully, from the moment I met him. I shouldn't have helped him, I shouldn't have. And anyway, he saw me try to kill his dad, so — So he should except this, too. This makes no difference to anything. I don't have to worry about him hating me, because he already does! So, nothing has changed.

I looked up to check Quaritch's expression, but I was met with an empty space. He'd already left the room, sometime while I was thinking to myself, I suppose. The only two people left in the room were me and the human, which pleased me greatly. I peered at him, catching his glare. — Awkwardly, I turned away and walked towards the door, exiting the room.

He looks like his bites would hurt, so.

. ° •  ★ ˚  ✧ ⋆  .

(POV: Narrator)

That very same day, Quaritch informed his squad of their next steps. He found the whereabouts of the Metkayina clan in a matter of minutes, thanks to the help of his team.

But, he wasn't planning on storming the place, like his former self probably would've done in a heartbeat. Instead, he was going to stay out of sight.

His plan was simple: He'd plant a spy inside the Metkayina clan before Jake got there, so get to know the place better, to have an upper hand on him; A man on the inside as such, but more accurately, a girl on the inside.

And that girl, the girl who was to be placed strategically with the Metkayina people, would be none other than Iridaya.

She was to stop looking for Jake Sully, and instead, let him come to her.

.  .  •  ☆ .  ° .  •  ° :  .   *₊  ° .   ☆  .  °  • .    .

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