Why the division?

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Why the division?

Why the division? What does it matter the color of a person's skin? What does it matter where he or she is from? It doesn't matter. None of it. It doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. It doesn't matter where he or she is from. A person is a person. So what, some people have a darker pigmentation of skin or a lighter pigmentation of skin. So what, a person is from Mexico, Africa, China, etc. So what?

Everyone talks about how he or she doesn't want division or racism. How do we stop it? We stop talking about it. Simple as that. No one needs to call another a black man or woman or a white man or woman. Just call him or her a man or woman. If a person looks at the very core everyone no matter what color of skin one has or where he or she is from we all have the same organs. We bleed the same blood. So why do we treat certain people special? Just because of skin color or heritage? Why? Is it because we think the person is from another planet? Or that he or she is not human? We are all human. We need to breathe. We need to drink and eat to live. We all have feelings. Most importantly we are all created in the image of God!

The world always is saying they don't want segregation and want everyone to be equal. Yet everywhere a person looks, he or she sees chaos and the same segregation that no one wants. Black lives matter. Okay what about white lives? Or Hispanic lives? Chinese lives? All lives matter! All souls matter! As I have said before we are all human. So, what will we do? What can we do to end the segregation?

One time I was looking on Netflix for a show to watch and I saw a row of shows and all of them had black actors as the stars of the shows. The row said, "Black Stories". My mom proceeded to ask me how I think people would react if instead it said, "White Stories". I told her that people would get upset. They would probably start rioting like people so often do when they get upset. People think that throwing a fit is how to get his or her way. When in reality he or she needs to use his or her words. Any time anyone thinks a different "group of people" gets a special privilege the other "group or groups" throw a fit and rebel or riot to try to get their way. One group ends up being held at the top for a certain amount of time then another group says it isn't fair and gets held at the top. Does anyone else see the inconsistency? No? Just me? Well, that's unfortunate. Let me explain this way. The LGBTQAI+ Community was in the spotlight not too long ago, yes? Now the group that has the spotlight and has had it for a little while now is the black community. Although the case on the news about Tyre Nichols is a black man being beat to death by black officers. No one said anything about the officers being black. If the officers were white, it would be a much bigger deal. The officers that beat Tyre also had criminal records. There are reasons people with criminal records are not allowed to be cops. Not only was shade not thrown on the officers because of their skin color but it created a bad image for law enforcement.

My point is no matter what "group" is being thrown under the bus people aren't doing anything to stop or fix what is going on. No one has the courage to speak up and say, "Hey! This isn't right!" Most people either get behind the loudest voice, keep different opinions to himself or herself, or don't speak out loud enough to really be heard. When he or she tries he or she is shot down so he or she stops trying. All people are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and in His image. In the beginning God said everything He created was good but when He created man, He said it was great. The Fall came and humankind became full of sin and imperfect. Just because mankind is now imperfect does not mean we are forced to choose to live our lives in sin and darkness. We have the choice to choose light. To choose God! Granted even if we do, we are not perfect we will still sin, but we are guaranteed eternal life and hope. A house divided among itself cannot stand. We as a country are a house divided among itself. If oppressors come what chance do, we really have? Would we be too busy fights against ourselves that we will surely fall? Or would we open our eyes? Get over ourselves and realize we are not entitled to anything? The world is brutal and unforgiving. As Americans we have life better than most everyone else. Yet we think life is so horrid. So unfair. What is really unfair is communism. It's having a dictator ruling not giving the people a voice at all. Our founding fathers laid down their lives so we could be free. So that we the people had a say in what happened in the country we live.

So, I ask again. Why the division? What does it matter the color of a person's skin? What does it matter where he or she is from? In the end does it really matter? When judgment day comes, and the Lord serves justice will the color of your skin matter? Will your heritage or beliefs matter? No, the Lord loves equally and will judge based off your heart. The division in the past, present, and possibly the future doesn't really matter. It won't fix anything. What one person does can cause a ripple effect.

So, what will you do?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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