Draco x reader: beautiful

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Y/n = you're name
Y/h =your house
E/c = eye color

As you stare into the full-length mirror of your bedroom. Pinching your stomach and examining all your curves and folds you sigh lately it's been hard to see how beautiful you truly are. Due to the bullying of Cormac Mclaggen, he's been tormenting you about your body and always making comments every time you try to eat in the grand hall.

As you slowly get dressed dreading going to lunch you paused at the door to (y/h) you take a deep breath and walk out tracing your hand along the brick walls of the magnificent castle you call your home. You walk towards the great hall not looking at anyone til a voice calls you over.

"y/n!" You look up to see your best friend Hermione granger, you smile as you walk to her. "Hey Mione," you say as you sit at the Gryffindor table between your other friends Ron Weasley and The famous Harry Potter.

"How are you today Y/n," asked Ron as he stuffed his face.

"I've been better," you say moving the food on your plate with your fork.

"Is it Cormac again?" asked Harry with a protective tone in his voice. You nodded not wanting to look up.

"You have to tell a professor or something maybe go straight to Dumbledore," said Hermione gently grabbing your hand

You look up at her and shook your head

"What's the point it'll only make it worse, besides" you pause "maybe he's right" as the words left your lips you feel tear forming in your eyes.

"You know that's not true!" Ron exclaimed "you are so beautiful" you look at him and give him a weak smile Ron had always been there for you as a brother ever since his mom legally adopted you when your parents became death eaters.

"I don't know anymore Ron maybe I'm just not beautiful enough for anyone" the three friends exchanged worried glances as you picked at your food.

"That's a lot of food there porky" the voice rang through the grand hall. You sighed you knew that voice "Cormac" you growled under your breath.

"Make sure you save some for the rest of us" he laughed and so did his goons behind him

"Oi! Shove off Cormac," Harry said staring daggers at the boy.

"Or what potter you protecting your girlfriend" he mocked Harry was about to get up but you stopped him and you got up and walked away without a word

When you were out of sight of everyone you ran, ran as fast as your legs could go tears streaming down your face slightly blinding you when you crash into someone.

"Watch where your going mudd-" you look up to see Draco Malfoy he had been your crush for years but you thought he would never like you due to your size.

You looked up at him with your tear-stained face and tried to utter an apology as you got up trying to leave he gently grabbed your wrist.

"Are you ok y/n?" He asked

You were kinda shocked he knew your name you had been invisible to him for so long or so you thought.

"N-no I'm n-not," you said through your sobs

"What happened," he asked as you looked into his eyes his gaze softened.

"Why do you care Malfoy" you looked down

"I don't like seeing girls cry," he said still gently holding your wrist.

"It's Cormac he's been bullying me about my body and I can't take it anymore" you looked back into his gorgeous silver eyes.

He clenched his jaw and said, "stay here I'll be right back ok?" And he stormed towards the great hall. You push yourself against the wall feeling the coldness on your back and laying your head back on the cool wall.

You close your eyes as tears ran down your cheeks what did you ever do to Cormac to make him treat you this way? Why has he been doing this for 4 years ever since 3rd year you didn't even go to the yule ball even though you desperately wanted to because he would be there.

You get pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of footsteps heading towards you you open your eyes to see Draco's knuckles all bloody and blood running down his nose
You shoot up from the spot and run to him.

"Bloody hell Malfoy what happened" you run and examine his hand and then gently touched his face making sure he didn't have any other injuries.

"all you need to know is that Cormac won't bother you anymore," he said looking into your e/c eyes.

"Draco you didn't have to do that, I have a feeling that's gonna make it worse" you sigh

"And if he tries again tell me and I will handle it again," he says sternly

"Let's get you cleaned up Malfoy," you say as you take his hand and guide him to the prefect bathroom getting a rag and gently dabbing it on his hand. He winced

"I'm so sorry Malfoy," you say as you gently clean his hand

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked still wincing

"Because I caused you to punch Cormac I should've just left it alone" you sigh as you wash the rag and start cleaning his face

"I would've done it anyway if he would've said it in front of me" he stares at you

"But why," you asked looking into his silver eyes

"Why would I let a git like that bully such a beautiful girl" he gazed into your eyes.

His words sent a shock through your body as your cheeks grew hot and you felt a blush forming. "B-beautiful?" You questioned

He gently placed a hand on your face and leaned a little closer "yes you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" a pink tint formed on his pale face.

"Don't play with my feelings Malfoy." you say pulling away.

"I'm not I've liked you since the first year!" he exclaimed. You paused and started to cry a little bit

"Oh, Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry-" before he could finish you hugged him tightly.

"I've liked you since the first year with Malfoy I never thought in a million years that you'd like me back" you chuckled into his chest.

You pull away and he gently grabs your face pulling you into a soft and gentle kiss you kissed back melting into it butterflies exploding In your stomach. You pull away for air.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Malfoy asked entranced by your e/c eyes "you know as a date" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I've waited so long for you to ask that yes Draco of course" you both smile at each other just enjoying the comfortable silence.

The end.

Word count 1173.

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