16 ; i am not regretting a thing

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Donghyuck figured that he could put some effort into making his bedroom not look like as much of a mess as it was. He carefully contructed his blankets and pillows into a blanket fort, which may or may not be cheesy, but Johnny and Mark set up a tent in the middle of Johnny's room. This was basically nothing in comparison. He even draped fairy lights over the top because he's fancy like that.

After that, Donghyuck switched out his oversized hoodie for a cropped one and dropped the thermostat. His dad would not be happy, and he was freezing, but this meant that he would have a hoodie to give Renjun again. Score.

Donghyuck had barely finished setting up when the doorbell rang, and he eagerly pulled open the door. "Hi, Renjun."

Renjun tugged at the hem of his shirt. "Hey. I don't know what we're supposed to do from here on out, if you can't tell."

"Maybe try coming inside?" Donghyuck replied sarcastically. He stepped to the side, making room for Renjun to enter. The older muttered something in Mandarin, probably a swear, before he looked up at Donghyuck again.

"This really didn't change you at all, did it?"

"Nope." Donghyuck beamed. "Whatever. I made us a pillow fort. We should probably use it."

Donghyuck started up the stairs, Renjun right behind him. When they reached the former's room, Donghyuck turned around and noticed that Renjun was already shivering a bit. "I have a hoodie you can borrow, if you want."

"Oh, thanks." Renjun accepted the hoodie that Donghyuck had tossed him, looking at the setup. "This is your fort?"

"I did the best I could, okay? I figured we could watch a movie or something like that."

"Okay, sure." Renjun suddenly smirked. "But we should binge instead."

Well, Donghyuck wasn't going to deny that. They turned off the main lights, turning on the fairy lights instead, and settled in front of Donghyuck's laptop. The pillows against Donghyuck's back were comfortable, but Renjun didn't exactly have any. Because of this, he ended up leaning into Donghyuck's side, essentially resting his head on the younger's shoulder.

Donghyuck hadn't predicted or accounted for the possibility of this happening. It was awkward, as Renjun wasn't leaning his whole body weight onto Donghyuck. It was like he was trying to hold back. Donghyuck poked him in the side, which not only caused him to get a slap to the knee, but Renjun did lean into him more.

Donghyuck hadn't kept track of how many movies they watched or for how long. What he did know is that the sun had already set by the time that the two decided to throw in the towel for the night. Even after Donghyuck reached out to close his laptop, Renjun didn't jump off of him.

"Are you just going to stay like this?" The younger asked, turning his head to face Renjun, who did pull back a bit. There went the proximity.

"Well, it's comfortable." Renjun looked up at Donghyuck, and the latter swore that his eyes darted down to his lips for a moment. "And I'm not really regretting this."

Their faces were still somehow so close. Donghyuck wanted nothing more than to kiss Renjun at this moment in time. That was something that couples did, wasn't it?

Donghyuck leaned down a little, waiting for some sort of response from Renjun. To his surprise, the older leaned up, just a bit, eyes wide as though he was the one who had been asking this entire time.

Taking a deep breath, Donghyuck pressed their foreheads together, their lips now inches apart. He could even feel Renjun's breath on his lips, and he'd love nothing more than to take that away. He brought his hand to Renjun's chin, about to tilt the older's head up when–

"Fuck!" Renjun jumped away from Donghyuck when he heard the alarm go off, and the younger had followed suit. He grabbed his phone, staring at the alarm.

"Oh, Jeno made me set this." Renjun showcased the phone screen to Donghyuck. "It's been 24 hours."

"Oh," Donghyuck said, not meaning to sound as disappointed as he was. Really, if he hadn't hesitated so much, maybe he would've gotten somewhere– wait.

Renjun had been completely alright with the idea of kissing Donghyuck. At least, Donghyuck was pretty sure. You didn't just go around kissing people that you didn't like to some extent, right? Unless you're Johnny, but Renjun was not Johnny.

"Wait–" but before Donghyuck could voice this thought, Renjun rolled over, facing away from him.

"We should probably sleep then, right?"

Donghyuck wanted to point out that it was the weekend and they didn't have any reason to not stay up past ten, but he needed to sleep these last few hours off. And he wasn't about to set his blanket up on his bed, so he just rolled over, turned off the fairy lights, and stared into the darkness until sleep caught up to him.

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