|| Chapter 1 ||

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Dean and Adri would be in Deans car driving to skl.
They'd stop at Rafe's and he'd get in the car
Dean-"I hate driving to school"
Rafe-"Everyone does"
Dean would put music on.
Ten minutes Later they'd get to Skl.
They'd get out the car and walk into the Building.
Dean would walk to his locker while Rafe and Adri walked to their locker together.
Dean would open his locker and hit Lillee in the face with it. "Oh sorry" He'd laugh a bit
"It's ok,what you grabbing?"
Dean would close his locker and go to Class with Lillee.
Everyone in the class would be sitting down.
Dean would look at his phone "oh my god🤯"
"Evie got attacked by something"
After skl...
They'd get to the hospital and see Evie
"Omg are you ok?" Adri would ask
"I'm ok I hit the stab killer with a vase"
Rafe would put his hand on his neck
Emma-"I skipped school to stay with her for a while"
"Yeah" Evie would put her head on her shoulder
Dean-"I'm going to get a drink from the vending machine"
Rafe-"I need the toilet"
Adri- "Nice to know"
They'd go.
A few hours later
Amy-"I'm gonna go home if that's alright"
Adri-"me to"
Rafe-"me three"
They'd go home
Amy's house
"Thank god I'm home"
Her phone would ring
???-"hello Amy"
"Omg fuck off Dean"
"I'm not Dean"
"Ok go fuck yourself then"
"You first"
Ghostface would be behind her and stab her
She'd punch Ghostface in the face and run to her garage
Ghostface would follow
She'd open her garage door and run out
Another Ghostface would appear infront of her and stab her in the head
"Die bitch"
The Ghostface's would run

The next morning

Chapter 3 Soon🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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