A poem for my friend

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  • Dedicated to Avery </3

Okay just saying I know it sucks and probably doesn't make sense but I don't really care. I just wrote it to describe a situation going on in my life, it relates me to my friend who just freaking told me he took a pair of sissors to his wrist, he's been suicidal for weeks now and I don't know what to do; I know I'm going to lose him soon and I can't see a solution to this problem. He already see's councilors, and goes to mental health meetings, takes medication, and a bunch of other shit thats supposed to help.It doesn't. Today i bluntly asked how suicidal he was on a scale of 1-10, 10 being he's going to go find a gun right now. He said 10, and stated he was 100% serious. I contemplating calling the police or hospital but I don't know where he lives, so it wouldnt really help anyway. If anyone knows any way to stop this please comment at the bottom cause I'm completley helpless right now. This situation kinda fucked with my emotions a little so I decided to write a poem to sort my thoughts out, obviously it's more to help me so I don't particularly care if it's a hated peice because it calmed me down alot, also its not really in a proper poem format wich once again I don't really care about. If you read thank you this is just a way for me to put myself out there and I don't know how to explian it but a way for me to deal with or accept the pain this has caused me. ( I partly feel like it's my fault if I don't stop him) Im sorry about this authors note it probably sounds long and boring but it means something to me and im going to stop rambling now.

I look at you,

I see myself,

For the feelings felt,

Blame no-one else,

In the world alone,

Or so it seems,

It's easy to fall,

To go unseen,

No hope for the future,

No care for the past,

No feeling at present,

No pain atlast,

To give up life,

I guess I see,

You are in true misery,

I've been there to,

Stuck in plight,

Guess the only diffrence is,

I chose to fight,

As you stand here now,

Kneading death in your hands,

Prepared to give in,

Looking deep within

Your minds made up,

Your dreams are dead,

Everyones gone,

One final breath,

You can't be wrong,

You plunge into the darkness,

It was there all along.

A poem for my friendWhere stories live. Discover now