You Have to go no Matter What

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Up there is the mysterious Liam


I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I had just woken up and the purple walls had me confused. I had forgotten that i live here now. Every now and then, i have a sick feeling that i would hear a loud booming voiice calling my name.

Wrinkling my nose by the thought of him, i swing my feet off of of the luxurious bed and get up. I should change my clothes because im wearing booty shorts and a shirt. I decide to change later andmake my way to the bathroom door but i stop my hand from opening it as i remember what liam said last night.

Because i dont ever want to see anyone in this house naked, i knock first before cautiously entering. Because God loves me, i enter a quiet, empty bathhroom with a lonely shower. I decide not to lock the doors because all im doing is brush my teeth. I grab my toothbrush and lift it to my teeth. Right in the middle of brushing my teeth, the door from liams room swings open and thers liam... In his boxers.

i couldnt help but stop and stare at his toned chest and abs. I snap out of it and snap my head to his face again. His eyebrows are lifted as if he caught me staring and im sure he did. Flushed, i look away and continue to brush my teeth. Suddenly his lack of clothing had me pulling at mine, trying helplessly to make it longer and cover myself. As im busy trying to cover myself, i feel his hard chest on my back. I jump and find that he is just reaching for the toothpaste at my side but is looking straight at me from the mirror

I shiver and try to pull myself off of his chest but the edge of the counter is stopping me. Finally, he grabs the toothpaste and backs off. As soon as i finish brushing my teeth, i run out of the room as red as a tomato.


After changing into jeans and a baggy hoodie, i walk out of my bedroom door. I keep my head low just in case i run into Liam. I look around me and realize that im lost. Ive only been here once and this house is basically a huge maze.

I try the right corner only to find another set of doors. I try to think back to when Liam brought me to my room for familiar surroundings but everything looks the same.

"Are you lost or are you just looking for something?", a voice asked.

I swiftly turned to find Kobe at the end of the hall with a smirk on his amused face. I feel my cheeks slightly burn red.

"Yes. Um, your house is very cunfusing and...big.", i reply awkwardly.

He chuckles and extends his arm in a gesture saying, 'ladies first'. This is my first time talking to him face to face which mekes me very uncomfortable but he obviously doesnt.

"I get that a lot."

"From who?", i jokingly ask

He looks at me with a playful smile and says," Girls. Lots and lots of beautiful girls."

"Are you saying that your grandma is a beautiful girl?"

We look at each other for a brief moment then we both burst out laughing. Before we know it, we are at the first floor, staring at the kitchen door.

"What were you looking for again?", asked Kobe.

"Oh. Just the kitchen"

"Well then...", he trails off as we join elbows and skip into the kitchen while giggling. Its as if ive known Kobe for a long time and we are best buds.

In the kitchen we find Claire feeding Wyatt some cereal and Jason on the table. Everyone is dressed and ready to go out except for Kobe and me.

"Oh, Zoe, we are going school shopping. Would you like to come?", Claire questions me but i shake my head and she asks abut my sleep and other stuff.

"All right. We'll be out for about a few hours. Feel free to do anything you want. If you ever need help with anything just ask Kobe or Liam or maybe even call me. You have my number, right?"

I nod and with that, she walks through the garage door, leaving me and Kobe alone in the kitchen. Kobe fixes me some cereal because hes such a great chef and we both get to know more about each other over the counter.

In the middle of our converstation, Liam walks through the kitchen door, fully cothed this time. Because im still embarrased about earlier, i try to avoid eye contact with him although the only thing he seems to be acknowledging is me. He makes his way towards me and plops himself down on the chair next to me. Instead of talking to me, he interrupts our conversation then starts another one with Kobe. Now that i am no longer acknowledged, i wash my dish then leave to go to my room, now that i think i know the way.


I was in my bed on my phone when Kobe rushed in my room. Before i ask him why, he says,

"We're goin swiming. Want to come? As in you have to go no matter what."


"Um...yes", he replies

"I dont have a anything to wear."

"My girlfriend can give you something."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Dont try to change the subject. Come on.", Kobe says as he tries yo pull me out the door.

I stop him and say,"Fine. Ill go but i actually just thought of something i could use.".

He raises his eyebrows and lets go of my hand.

"Ill be waiting right here if you try to run and hide. I will count to 60 and if your not out of this door by then, i will barge in. Dont think i cant open it if its locked because i can pick any door in this house."

I hold my hands upto show that i wont do anything and slan the door shut. I dig in my bags that i brought from home and take out a pair of athletic shorts and the shirt to complete it. Outside i can hear Kobe actually counting so i quickly strip and put it on.Kobe is on 8 by the time i walk out of the room.

"Finally, i thought that i would have to actually walk in on you."


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