why'd i even do that..?

9 0 0

After she whispered those words to me, the tension in her body stopped. Red liquid was splattered everywhere. On our clothes, my bed and the knife.
I pushed her limp body away from me, turning her on her back. What had I done to her?

Blood was still gushing out of the wounds like a waterfall. I covered my eyes with my palms, not really knowing what to do. Was she really dead? I mean.. She didn't seem alive to me.

I was exhausted. She was my ninth kill that day and it was the middle of the night. God, I still can't believe I missed Jessie Adams's show for her. At least I got what I wanted.

45 000 people were watching my livestream. They've seen me make out with her and kill her.

ayoitsjaykee: when's bobby coming back!?

snappysandy: SOMEONE REPORT THIS!!

hairyballzlma: god this is so gross but kurt..😍

iheart_str4ngerth1ngs: wait am i the only one who thinks this dude kinda looks like steve harrington from stranger things!?

toekeery1112: the bulge in ur pants so big🤤

jsjsjsj87: I feel so bad for Y/N :(

"What is wrong with me..?" I whispered to myself. I was disgusted by me. I really wanted to end the live, but I had worked so hard for this. This audience. Their eyes were on me. Only me. They were watching every little move I was making. I've been craving this for a decade now.

"What should I do next, guys?" I asked, sitting on my gaming chair. I needed to get my mind off of Y/N for some time.

"Get rid of the body, it's gonna rot in here." A donation spoke.

I know I said I needed to get my mind off of her, but that donator was right. I didn't want her body to just decompose in my room.

So I picked her up, and I was about to leave my room with her when I heard a noise. I looked outside my window to see my dad getting out of his car.

Oh god.

He was probably back from the strip club. He worked there as a DJ. I could tell he wasn't sober by the way he walked. But now, there was a problem.

I couldn't drop Y/N at the dump I usually went to. If I walked around my dad with a dead body in my arms, what would he think? Yes, he was drunk, but I couldn't risk it.

So I put her in the back of my closet, hidden behind a couple of boxes. I promised myself I would take her out the next day, and went back to my dear stream.

"I- I had to change my plans a little, but.. What now?" I asked my chat on a low tone so my dad wouldn't hear me.

moron3000: Go annoy your dad! 🤣

joesgf1112: kys u fckn fag

joesgf1112: jk ur so hot ily

rocketl3ague_master: yall this is so scripted💀

billthebull1992: Murder someone else!😈😈

kolacrv: i'm not sure if i believe all this.. 🫠

mckunkle: go through her phone if u still have it

"Yeah.. No, I mean- I won't show my-" As I was about to finish my sentence, I noticed a smart comment." Oh wait, Mc- Mckunkle..? That's.. Kunkle is my last name! Thanks for your support. Anyways uh- They had a great idea. I'll be right back."

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