Where am I?

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I woke up to nothing but clouds around me thinking that if I was dead why was I there? A sudden loud noise was heard in the clouds calling out my name while I was walking around.
"Akira" the voice called. I jumped back in surprise regretting it when I started falling I waited to hit the ground but when I did, it was a soft landing. I heard groaning from underneath me but when I looked I was surprised to see a black tiger with what looked like lightning strikes embedded into its fur.
"oh sorry," I said as I got off the poor thing looked injured as I went to look around I saw fire coming towards us. As I panicked I put my hands out ready for the heat that was about to go but it never did as I looked I saw storm clouds around and it was raining in one spot. I looked up to see what was happening when I realised it was me who had done it and I didn't know how. The tiger roared which brought me out of my train of thought.
"Oh, right we have to get you healed!" I said as I gathered anything that could help but all I saw was snow and a lot of it. WE WERE AT THE SOUTH POLE!?. I thought as I started to panic again when the tiger walked over and nudged me.
"Right let's find a healer!" I replied picking up the tiger. It was surprisingly light.
As we walked I saw a village up ahead and started to speed up and the tiger was asleep in my arms.
"Hello?" I asked to hope for a reply.
"Yes?" an old lady came out I smiled and asked for help as we walked she told me her name was Katara and she was a healer that used something called water bending. I was confused but my mind was focusing on healing this cub.
"bring him in here, Akira," she said pointing towards a pool of water. As I put the tiger down I wanted to ask her about water bending and what happened to me.
"Excuse me miss Katara, what happened to me? I felt so unsafe and a blast of fire came in and as I waited for it to hit me it started raining and when I calmed down it was gone?" I asked as she looked surprised and happy at the same time.
"Oh you must have a strange relationship with the clouds" is all she said as she started the healing process. As I thought about what she said a couple of people walked in one man caught my eye as he had an arrow on his head. I watched as they said their hellos and Katara introduced them to me.
"Akira this is, Tenzin, Bumi, Kya, Korra, Bolin and Mako they come here when something feels off in republic city." she said with a smile on her face as I was just taking in this new information.
"Hello, I'm Korra the Avatar!" Is all she said holding out her hand for a shake. I accepted the handshake but I was still nervous as the thunder started.
"Akira please breathe so we can try to control... what do you want to call this?" Katara said as she faced me after healing the tiger. The tiger got up and walked over to me nuzzling my face.
" Hey boy, I'd like to call it Storm bending if that is okay with you miss Katara?" I said as I started to stand with the tiger cub at my side. A boy walked over with stars in his eyes he came closer and I felt my face getting hotter.
"Hi I'm Bolin and what's the little guy's name?!" he said as he started getting excited.
"Uhm, his name is Junie, I'm Akira Obibi nice to meet you.!" I replied looking at Korra for help all she did was giggle while pulling Bolin away from me so I could breathe.
"So Akira want to join us we followed Bum-ju here-" before she could finish the blue bunny spirit floated in and rested on my head. Everyone was shocked and forgot the questions.
"Bum-Ju!" A man with grey hair ran in and stopped and looked at me.
"A- Akira?" he said. Was he about to cry? Before I could answer he ran up and engulfed me in a bear hug while crying into my shoulder.
"Bumi! What are you doing? Wait did you say Akira?" A lady with white hair stopped and started crying as she walked up and touched my face.
"Uhm, do I know you?" I ask slightly confused.
"Yes we are your mother's friends and Bumi is your godfather," Kya says letting Bumi hug me. I became shocked and hugged him back with tears in my eyes.
What were my parents like? I thought as I was brought back to reality looking at Bumi in the eye as his eyes were red from crying.
"You look just like your parents Akira," Tenzin said as he walked over and placed a hand on my head ruffling my hair.
"Thank you, What do we do now that you have found me and Junie?" I asked while looking at the boy who came up to me and smiled at him and saw a hint of pink in his cheeks but ignored it.
"You will be coming to the air temple Island with us now mother did she have anything with her?" Tenzin asked facing Katara.
"No, but her mother left something for her since she was the original storm bender of her family," Katara said as she got out a bag covering something for me. She walked over and I took it with caution, as I was opening the bag it showed a necklace with an amethyst that had an embedded cloud on it.
"Woah" is all I said as I was admiring it Bolin walked over and was starstruck.
"Help me put it on please Bolin?" I asked while I felt my face go red. He put it on and I saw a few smirks coming from Korra and Mako he backed away blushing while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Welcome to the team Akira can you show us some storm bending!" Bolin asked with a huge smile that made me giggle.
"Sure but we should start heading to air temple Island" is all I said when Korra's face immediately lit up with excitement.
"Yes, another girl Asami is gonna be so happy!" Korra says walking up and putting an arm around my shoulder ushering me towards the door before the boys caught up and started talking to each other Mako and Korra were talking about fire bending and that they should spar.
"So, Akira?" Bolin asked. I turned towards him with a smile.
"Yes?" I replied looking at him as we were on the sky bison.
"Where are you from?" he asked slightly red. I looked at the sky thinking about it what should I say.
"I'm from the clouds, it was beautiful until a war between earth and sky came about that's when everything went downhill," I said smiling trying not to cry. I think he read what was wrong because he pulled me in for a hug.
"Thanks," I said while my head was on his shoulder, I felt tired and it was so comfy.
"Akira wake up~" I heard Korra say shaking me slightly.
Honestly love this song!

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