year 8.

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Just getting ready for school, first day of year 8.. I really hope its nothing like last year... God that was scrary!

To be completely honest with u everything feels the same.
I still get bullied, im still fat, I still have acne... there's barely any difference.
Accept. Emotions have changed, drastically to because in year 7 I was happy, I had loads of friends and life was good.. but now that's not the case.

In year 8 you don't have as much freedom as you did in year 7, you get told to do more and teachers tell you "you have to set a good example for the year 7's", 'haha I would rather die then talk to those chavy twats!' I say to myself every time I get told that. Its so fucking boring listening to those old hags they call 'teachers'!

No but honestly tho like yeah I may have some good teachers but the rest just don't get it you know, it's like I could tell one of my shit teachers that I was gunna comit and she would just ne stood there like "ok.." LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?

But anyway I have 43 missing homework assignments 'lol' and .. yeah ill uh ill talk later

See ya
For now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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