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(Anakin's pov) (kind of a filler chapter)

I hurriedly scurried back to the ship, recalling the events that had taken place recently. The sun so high in the sky shining ever so brightly, droplets of sweat trickling down my forehead as I marched my way up the hill. He was supposed to take Grievous down, what- what if we hadn't been there..? 

I knew Master Kenobi liked Grievous, but I didn't know he liked him that much. He got distracted...Obi wan Kenobi got distracted! The most noble! The most focused! The most calm! He is my master! What is happening? Maybe I was wrong...Maybe I shouldn't have held my silence. I should talk to him. 

My thought trail didn't even let me think about my journey, I was already approaching the ship. Rapidly, Two figures made their way from the ship towards me. Battle droids. They must have been on watch for Grievous. I swiftly pulled out my lightsaber, and twisted it in my hand. With one instantaneous slice the first battle droid crumbled to the ground. The next battle droid came charging at me. I tried using the same movement, but this one was smarter, it deflected it. The droid pulled out its E-5 blaster, although before it could take another step I detached its head from its body.

"That was eventful" I sarcastically responded to the situation. If there were two, then there have to be more out there. "I have to get back to Master Kenobi and Snips as fast as I can".

Without any further ado, I rushed onto the grey ship while my hair flowed behind me. The engine roared, as I pushed the red button that brings it to life, and on I was to the battlefield. 

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