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5 Years Later....

Sun rose high that morning, I woke up making my way down stairs. Grabbing a glass of orange juice I made my way to the front porch. After the events of the attack on Wakanda the two weeks I spent in recovery I fell in love with the country. Namor came to visit almost daily, when it was released that the US planned on leashing an attack on Wakanda. It was pledged then that the people of Talokan fulfilled there end of the deal.

On week two I confessed to Namor that I wished to be with him. His forever but I didn't want to live in the dwells of the ocean for the rest of my life. Namor of course was overjoyed with my love for him. Though the idea of him not being to bring me home frustrated him. After some convincing on Nakia and Princess Shuri's part they assured him I would be safe.

I received a beautiful home on the beach side a bit secluded from the city. Shuri employed me in her lab; I was the first outsider to live and work full time here in the country. Their kindness was more than anything I could be grateful for. Namor would visit five days of the week, though with the impending war the days have been stretched in his absence.

Sitting on the chair I looked out to the ocean, looking down at my bracelet and watch he was 5 minutes late. I sighed sitting back letting the breeze wash over me. Nakia told me the stories of their ancestors and the world beyond the dead all there loved ones went to. Shuri told me the story of when she first met Namor; how it was the anniversary of her brother, the kings, passing.

Queen Romanda told her that in the breeze she could feel her brothers presence. So now I take a moment everyday to meditate on the thought. It brought me comfort that in the breeze my brother was with me. My mother was in shambles when I called her; at my request they allowed my mother to relocate here.

You can imagine my mothers shock when she met Namor. He was charming and handsome, he was passionate on the ocean and the marina that lived there. Also talked with pride about his people are their history accomplishments. Mentioning that allying themselves with Wakanda the first surface alliance between their two worlds was one the greatest accomplishments.

The wounds from that day healed but some leaving scars. The panthers claws left scars across my back. Thankfully they aren't as pink and red as they once were; now just a subtle bump. I heard a splash and opened my eyes Namor rose from the water walking onto shore. I smiled running across the sand to his arms; it's been a week since I've last held him.

"Ni Yakunaj," she whispered. He grabbed my face kissing me pulling me to him tighter. Wrapping my arms around his neck I giggled as he peppered kisses over my face and neck. I placed my left hand on his face pulling away the jade ring catching the sunlight off of my ring finger. Namor grabbed my hand kissing it over the ring.

"I've missed you," I said. He smiled holding me and gazing into my eyes.

"How have you been Ni Reina? The people miss you," he said.

"I will visit tonight and we will bring the little ones," I said. The screen door to the house closed and our two children came out. They excitedly ran to there father Namor meeting them halfway in the sand hugging them both.

"Idris, Samor," he spoke their names placing kisses to their heads. I smiled watching the interaction; both of them having there father's black brown hair and his eyes. Our son's ears mimicked his fathers while our daughter had my soft ones. Both children possessing individual powers though we are not sure to what extent they will grow too.

Idris ran over to me and I picked her up she giggled as Namor picked up Samor. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine this being my future. My mother came to the door again.

"Kids it's time to eat!" She yelled. The kids cheered as Namor and I walked over to the house. I heard a car roll up then looking back I saw M'Baku and Okoye exit. Namor placed Samor down and I handed Idris to my mother. Namor walked ahead as I followed; M'baku and Okoye bowed as they stopped at the steps.

"Hello Y/n, fishman," M'Baku grinned.

"What brings you?" Namor asked.

"We have a message from Nakia to y/n, she invites her and the children to Haiti in a month. She has built a new school for the children and would love for her to come to the grand opening," Okoye spoke. Due to Namor wishing to keep his people a secret he never had the luxury of being invited to things outside of the Wakanda shores.

"Oh, I see," Namor turned to me then wrapping a arm around my waist.

"Tell Nakia I would be honored to represent Talokan at the event," I replied. Namor smiled kissing my head. Okoye and M'Baku smiled.

"Please come in we made food there is enough for everyone," I offered. I turned toward the door pulling it open. They both looked at each other M'baku placing his staff against the railing.

"Let me see the little ones!" He cheered. M'Baku made his way into the house followed by the kids running to him.

"Okoye?" I asked. Namor stood at the threshold of the door looking away from the children to her. She rolled her eyes grabbing M'Baku's staff and walked up the steps.

"Keeping this with me so Samor doesn't get ahold of it again," she teased. I chuckled Namor looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Samor did what?" He asked. I laughed pushing him inside.

"I'll explain later, you've missed a lot," I joked.


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