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When everyone was seated in their chairs and focused on the screen, Clotho stepped forward. She, as the oldest, decided to explain everything to the audience before they could begin their reaction.

In the end, it's a must, considering that their worlds are very different.

"So, before your reaction begins, first we need to tell you something about the place where Cale is now. As you probably already guessed, our child is now in another world. And, of course, this world is very different from yours."

Is it very different?...

The creatures in the room looked at each other in surprise, but decided to be patient, as they already realized that they were going to be informed of important information.

Of course, there were still impatient and impolite idiots, but the neighbors quickly silenced them.

Few people wanted to anger the gods.

"So, as we have already said, this world is very different from yours. To begin with, it should be said that magicians are very rare in this world. In general, only ten percent of people are them. And if in your world there are magicians to one degree or another in all the kingdoms, since it is thanks to them that development takes place, then in the other world magicians mostly live in only two or, at most, three. In other countries, development takes place through mechanical inventions without the use of magic."

The creatures in the room began to look at each other in surprise and whisper. They didn't understand how else, if you don't use magic, you can build a prosperous country.

However, most of the aristocracy cared only about their own well-being, and they didn't give a damn about everyone else.

"Without using magic?" murmured Rosalyn in surprise, her eyes wide open. She understood perfectly well that magic facilitates literally all spheres of people's lives. If there was no magic, then life would not be so easy, simple and convenient for most of the population.

And to understand that somewhere there are people who live completely calmly and without magic, but only with the help of their own inventions...

Harol, who had been looking excitedly at the swaddled Tunka, turned a beaming gaze on Clotho. He was sure that if people could develop without magic, then so could they. The main thing was to first persuade the Tunka to become more circumspect and cautious.

Antropa and Lakhesa, who read his thoughts, only shook their heads, thinking that he was wishful thinking. It was very difficult to believe that a thick-headed and too stubborn Tunka would listen to his adviser. And the Goddesses did not believe. Even for them, such a miracle was too incredible.

Eruhaben, like the rest of the dragons, looked at the Goddesses with interest, thinking that people who develop with the help of mechanisms, not magic, are like Flame Dwarves.

"How interesting..."

Clotho waited for the noise to subside, then continued.

"Most of the magicians of this world are located in the kingdom of Fior, which is located in the west. This is a relatively small kingdom, but at the moment a little more than seventeen million people live there."


"How many people?" Alberu gasped in shock. No, Roan wasn't a small country, but they clearly had fewer people.

And in general, everyone was very impressed by this.

Few people could even imagine such a huge figure.

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