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As you can guess, the bath, wasn't actually a bath. One thing led to another and here I was, sprawled on the bed, in post orgasmic bliss, trying to catch my breath. And yes, we used all six condoms.

Jake was right next to me, his beautiful face dripping with sweat. But we weren't touching, weren't marvelling the amazing sex together like I wanted. We just looked like another set of fucking roommates, who didn't, never cuddled after sex. What I would give to be held in his arms like a delicate little stuffed animal. I reached for his hand with my pinky. His eyes were semi closed, and I hoped he was too tired to register what I was trying to do. My pinky landed on his hand, and he pulled away from him like my touch was burning him.

"Don't you have school tomorrow? Get some rest." He spoke,his gruff voice shattering my hope.

I turned, my back to him, and fell asleep. I didn't even notice him leaving the bed.


The alarm in my phone blared in my ears. I woke up, feeling like a train had been over, and under me. If I wasn't so broke, I could've hurled my phone across the room and gone back to sleep. But I have never missed a lecture, and I'm not starting now. The first thing I noticed was that my bed was empty. And a big dip in the mattress where a certain jack ass was supposed to be.

I run my hands over my face. I felt like a freaking zombie. I made my way towards the bathroom, and began to clean up, scrubbing off the dried bloodstains from my body. However, I noticed that the medicine cabinet was restocked with ointments and creams for cuts, and bruises. At least he tried. I thought, looking at myself in the mirror before applying some on my face. God, did I look horrible.

Crust was etched at the corner of my eye, my blonde hair all over the place. My nose crooked, a couple of eye bags under my eyes. My blue eyes looked tired and ugly.  I inspected my face, and all the bruises inflicted to me last night. A fresh cut was at my forehead. Actually, make that several cuts.

A purple bruise on my jaw. A giant purple hand print on my cheek where he slapped me.  More purple handprints on my  neck where he choked me almost to death.

I sighed, applying the ointments on creams on my face. And trying to make my hair look more decent by using some of Jake's hair lotion that made it not stick out so much. I took a good final look at myself. At least I no longer looked like a Jeep run me over.

I took the stupid, stinky, smelly bus, where some people have no sense of personal space. It's hard to think I have a boyfriend with a car, more expensive than all my wardrobe clothes, shoes and jewelry put together.

Everyone's eyes was on my face, everyone mouths whispering something incomprehensible about me. They probably thought I was homeless. And suddenly, the decision of coming to school didn't seem like such a great idea. I mean, I could've just called in sick. But no I just had  to be the goody two shoes who never missed a day of class.

A man with alcohol breath, rowdy beard that probably had the entire species of insect living in there stood so close to me began to look at my face, the laughed. An ugly belly laugh that no one should have the displeasure of hearing.

"What died and crawled up your face?" He wheezed out.

"Probably your mother." I retorted through clenched teeth and before he could even register what I'd told him, I alighted at my stop.


The burgundy turtle neck I was wearing made me look and feel even smaller that usual. But if people thought my face was bad, wait till they see my neck.

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