How to be brave?

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The bright sunshine pouring in through the window hurt my eyelids. I couldn't sleep any longer,my head still ached from the last night's party.

The images of last night still revolved in my mind and I was still suffering from the shock that Edward Cullen whom I barely knew had last night dropped me to my house and carried to my bed!

Worse to that I wasn't even sure that Tanya had come home by now.
"Diinnnggg dong"the doorbell rang. I was really startled .Who could it be in the early morning? I went downstairs ( tripped on the third step) .

I opened the door . It was Tanya . I could barely recognise her. She looked really shabby with her blonde hair matted all around her face. Still under the spell of several glasses of vodka ,she violently pushed me aside and made her way inside. Without a breath she started yelling at me!" You fool!! Why the hell do you think I invited you to the party?I wanted you to bring me back home. All night I suffered so much couldn't even drive back,you pathetic thing" I didn't say a word because that would disturb her even more.I decided to give her some time alone so that she could calm herself down.

After an hour of me being full of patience , Tanya came downstairs looking much better.i had prepared a bowl of cereal each for me and her. "I am really sorry " I apologised , though I doubted it would work. " I didn't really know that you required me to drive you home back" I tried my best to explain .

"So honey" she is damn sarcastic when she says that. " How did you reach back home?as far as I remember I am sure that alice and Rosalie were still at the party when you left" she inquired. " Well, actually I needed help myself . I wasn't feeling well,so one of the school friends dropped me back home". I replied. " A school mate?" She probed in . " Yeah Edward- Edward Mason " " Are you talking about the cute guy at school?" She asked " maybe " that's all I wanted to speak to her. Edward Mason wasn't exactly my favourite topic to speak to my angry and sarcastic twin.

" You better keep your hands off him" she smirked . I was actually dumbstruck . " I challenge you Bella , a few more days and I shall be his girlfriend" she challenged me . I was really horrified. How could she do that to me? Tanya had no limits of cruelty.

But I was afraid that she meant it. She was determined to do it . She had never loved him nor did she have any feelings about him. She wanted him just for the sake of its glamour .


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