Falling Hard

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Lindiwe woke up to strong arms holding her lovingly. She was very emotional yesterday so things happened that shouldn't have. She didn't even like the guy. How did they go from hate to making love. She stayed cuddled up in his arms while she contemplated her future with this man. Her plan was to stay here for a while until the big contract was sign solidifying her father's position and then she would be on the first plane back to Johannesburg. She already had a place to stay and her best friend Natalie had secured a job for her at her fathers law firm. Her whole future was planned out but now for the first time she was having second thoughts.

Sizwe could feel her fidgeting. He knew she was awake but he was also afraid of what today would hold. Would she push him away or would they just pick up from what happened last night. He didn't intend for things to go so far but she was just so tempting. He lay on his side holding her for as long as he could. He had a very early meeting in Durban which was a few hours drive but he really didn't want to leave the bed.

"Morning." He finally said to his fidgety wife. "Morning." She said not even looking at him. So she was shutting him out he thought. "I have an early meeting to get to." he said as he was starting to get off the bed but before he could she turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He froze in place and looked at her mouth open. "I will go shower quickly and get your breakfast ready I am sure that the cook is not up yet." She said as she ran to the bathroom. Vusi couldn't help but laugh out loud. His little vixen was shy after the events of last night. He had to use all his self control not to follow her into the bathroom. Just the thought of her showering had him thinking all kinds of nasty things.

When he was done getting ready Lindiwe walked in with a tray full of delicious fruits,toast with eggs and tomatoes, and some black coffee. The way he liked his breakfast and he was very impressed that she took note of that. She put it on the little table and sat on the opposite chair to drink her coffee. "Thank you, my wife." Vusi said to her. She blushed like a teenager and it made Vusi beyond happy. 

It has been a while since Vusi felt so smitten. He ate everything on his plate even the tomatoes, he hated tomatoes but he gobbled them up. He would tell her later that he hated tomatoes. She walked him to the car after breakfast and Vusi was a bit upset when his mother came out to see him off. He was planning to kiss her before he left but it got awkward when his mother  was there. They said their goodbyes with longing in their eyes and Vusi left.

"Ok Lindiwe you can do this. You just have to drive to town and back." Lindiwe tried to talk herself into driving to the pharmacy to get some plan b cause she was so not ready for babies. But her fear of what happened yesterday kept her frozen in the car. She didn't want to get get lost again and get stuck in the dark. All the drivers were busy preparing for king's birthday that no one could take her. She also couldn't explain the urgency of the matter. Maybe she should text him and ask him to buy them she thought. But men like Vusi would not understand why she didn't want to be a mom yet. He would take it as rejection. She would have to pray that she is not as fertile as the women in her family.

He was finally back Lindiwe thought as she saw his car parked at the entrance of the palace. She quickly made her way to their room. Funny how she missed him after he left. Vusi didn't strike her as a man who calls and sends texts but she wanted to talk to him so bad the whole day. It helped that the queen kept her very busy today with the preparation for the party. She had peeled a few potatoes, actually like two and then she left. She had to overseeing the decorations and after that she was very tired. "She had to get her nails done soon they were starting to grow out, she would have to tell her husband to drive her to town" She thought as she walked to their room.

She could hear from the hallways Vusi yelling at someone he sounded so angry. When she pushed the door open she saw that he was on the phone. His tie was hanging loosely and he had a glass of whiskey in hand. Something was wrong she could tell. He yelled something about teaching the mayor a lesson and hung up. He put the glass on the table and cursed. Finally his eyes met her, he looked like a lion that was about to attack. She could tell he didn't want to be bothered right now so she turned around and was about to leave when he cleared his throat. "I got you these." He said as he took some flowers from the bed. Lindiwe was unsure of how to react. He had just did a whole ninety degree correction on his temper.

She slowly walked to him and took the flowers. They were so pretty and if she was not so frightened by his anger a minute ago she would be smiling ear to ear. "I am sorry you had to hear that. The meeting didn't go as planned." He said as he walked to her. Lindiwe couldn't control her body she took as step back. He could tell that she was afraid of him but Vusi would never hurt her. He walked slowly to the couch at the middle of the room and sat down. He exhaled loudly and laughed a little. "I would never hurt you Lindiwe." He said that looking at her dead in the eye. Lindiwe put down her flowers and went to him. She sat on his lap and hugged him. " I know." She finally said after a while of silence. "What happened?" She finally asked. "The mayor is invading our land. We have an understanding with the government about our heritage land. They have never crossed the line until this fool. I went to meet him and he says that the land is needed for development. That we will be composted for it." He said as he played with her fingers. "If they take even a cube of land they will never stop and the people will suffer. They don't pay any levies currently but if the government takes over they will have to." He exhaled again and looked so defeated. "You will find a way." Lindiwe said as she kissed his forehead. "You think so?" He asked looking into her eyes. "I know so. If you want, I can ask my friend Natalie to speak to her dad about the legal implications of them forcefully taking the land." Lindiwe said as she wove their hands together. "I would appreciate that." He said as he hugged her waist and put his head on her shoulder.

He was such a big guy but when he was with her he could be venerable and Lindiwe valued that. They sat in their room for a while talking until Vusi was summoned by his father to talk about what happened. Lindiwe was able to ask him to take her to town tomorrow to do her nails and hair. She was so over the look she had.

Vusi had left his phone on the bed when he hurried out and it had been ringing none stop. Lindiwe was getting irritated and eventually picked the call. "Vusi finally! Why haven't you been answering my calls?" The woman said. Lindiwe was dumbstruck. She just sat there silent while the woman kept on saying hello.

"Ubaba wants us down for dinner so please get ready." Vusi said as he walked into the room. "Who is Kim?" Lindiwe asked sitting on the bed with her shoulders hunched. Vusi knew lying would help no one cause it was clear she knew something. "She was my girlfriend until yesterday." He said casually. "You broke up with her yesterday? Why?" Lindiwe asked with tears in her eyes. She didn't understand why she felt so hurt but she did. "Because you became my wife last night. Lindiwe I know that you were planning to run away." Vusi said as he sat next to her on the bed. "If you were not committed to this mayo didn't see the need to commit either, but last night changed things." Vusi said holding her hand. "It's done right?" She asked looking at Vusi. "Yeah, it's done. I ended it this morning." Vusi said as he picked her up and put her on his lap. "Delete her number and block her now." Lindiwe said wiping tears from her face and very annoyed with herself. She was a bad bitch she never cried until this man. "Ok, blocked and deleted. You happy now?" Vusi said kissing her cheeks. How did she fall so hard so soon? Lindiwe couldn't understand her love for this man. "Yeah I am happy." She said as she kissed him.

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