Part 1

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Hi guys is charles So I found time to write so I'm starting this story so I wish you the best and I'll start something up

Peter's POV
My alarm bells rings  I look over 6 am I normally set my alarm this early so. I can take it slow  and do my things. I walk over to my bathroom and take a shower

After showering

I'm picking some clothes to wear and them notice my cuts opened from yesterday "fuck," I saw grabbing bandages and putting them on my arm an them I check the clock 7:16
I already packed my bag for school so I quietly try to walk out only to see.. May... Standing there screaming"WHAT DID I TEL YOU YOU BRAT" she screamed hitting me and pushing me against the wall making me fall"to not annoy you"WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME BRAT"she says hitting and kicking me" I'M SORRY MA'AM"I said and then she said"goodget to school you stupid mistake and don't come back till Wednesday"it's Monday shit" okay ma'am"I said as I left and ran to the subway

30 min later

I get to school I check my phone 8am I walk inside to my locker to get my books "hey dude!" Ned said putting a han on my shoulder I flinched"oh shit sorry did I hurt you dude are you okay?"he said"nah I'm fine just patrol yk" I say "oh okay dude so didn't you take the test?" Ned said excited"yeah why?"I said " THERE TELLING THE WINNER NEXT CLAS"Ned screamed excited "I know dude I'm so nervous but I know I won't get in" I say "dude you  are for sure getting it ur so smart! Your just what stark needs" Ned said well maybe I do get in" I said as we started walking to class. And we set down.

Hey guys so if People read this I'll write more if not I'll stop writing this book
Maybe so anyways
bye! (Words 347)

Peter Parker angst Where stories live. Discover now