[18] Childhood friend

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Videl es el típo de amiga de la infancia que compartiría mucha historia contigo. Ambos serían amigos desde que eran pequeños e irían a la misma escuela, misma secundaria y misma preparatoria siendo así amigos inseparables.

Ella mas que otra persona te sabe entender y conoce muchas cosas sobre ti, además de eso, ella te vería como a una figura a seguir, le darías motivación para ser una mejor persona como lo eres tú.


Videl is the type of childhood friend who would share a lot of history with you. Both would be friends since they were little and would go to the same school, the same middle school and the same high school, thus being inseparable friends.

More than anyone else, she knows how to understand you and knows many things about you, besides that, she would see you as a figure to follow, you would give her motivation to be a better person like you are.

Videl Is The Type Of...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora