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1 week later

Your PoV

I'm still sat in the hospital bed Thomas and Mia left to get me some clothes and Paige is in a different room from me

Y/n Jacob thx for staying with me it means a lot and I did hear u when u where tell mw to wake up u helped a lot with that

Jacob:yn oh umm yea like Ik we just met and all but I feel something idk what it is but when I see u get nervous
Like u do something  me what makes me happy and what to be with all the time

Y/n: Jacob u make me feel the same that day I was in your room and I sed something alone the lines of your hot when I get nervous I say things what are true so when I sed your hot I really meant

Then we got cut off by the door opening it was Thomas

Thomas: got all your stuff for u little sis
He then looked at us the he just interrupted something

Y/n: give us a min

Jacob: y/n after this I'm taking u on a date then we get to know each other

Y/n I would love too Jacob I like u so much all ready

Thomas PoV 

I think I need to tell y/n that her and Jacob know each other all ready I know how rude it is for me to be listening in on them but she needs to know that if she wants to get to know him more she needs to know that they used to play together when they were kids and they witnessed are parents killing someone

A/n hope u like this if u could help me come up with Ideas for this I would love this thx bye Huns

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