It's More Of A Boy Meets Boy Kind Of Thing... But More Badass. (Prologue)

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I pushed through the crowd, the club was pumping. I restlessy pushed my snake bites from the inside of my mouth with my tongue. I caught the eye of some people looking at me like they were checking me out. I gave them a wicked look, pushing out my tongue to show off my piercing there too. They all grinned and turned back to dancing, drinking, talking, and occasionally grinding. I loved the whole club scene. The bass, the dancing, the dimmed, flashing lights. I was momentarily pulled into a small group and I danced with people I didn't know for a while. I was able to escape and pushed away from the group. I was trying to get somewhere slightely less populated. I knew somewhere people were doing weed; I felt high. Not like I never experimented. Some times hotties liked to go wild, more than bedroom wild.

My head pulsed with the music and I loved it. After getting clumped into a mini grinding session I persisted, not having found any suitors. I winked at a cutie and hissed, using the darkness of my style and my piercings to my advantage, but that one wasn't what I was looking for. I loved the looks I got. I loved the way the lights worked on me, and how my super fitted shirt looked. I turned people's heads, I knew it. I got around because of it, too. I wasn't exactly a whore, but... There was a lot of sleeping in strange beds and a lot of time in strange people. I turned heads, both sexes I was sure. I could make any straight guy suddenly want to wear a pink shirt and flip flops. Or, if he were to be afraid of being open, I'm sure he would have a very heated discussion with Ms. Rosy Palmer and her five sisters. I smirked evily. I was a badass, no disputing it. I snatched a drink right out of someone's hand and dissapeared before they could get a good look at who did it. I wasn't exactly planning on getting drunk, and I didn't, but I admit that by the time I got to one of the bars placed around the edges of the club I placed three glasses down. The bartender gave me a sinister look and I tried to think through the building haze if I had done it with him.... he looked a little old, but... yup. Did it. I couldn't remember if he was a good fuck, but somewhere in the back of my mind I had a shady picture of being thrown against the bathroom wall with our pants down, him thrusting hard into me. I brushed him off with a smile and raised my eyebrows, I was playing with him. I didn't stick around to see his reaction, they were generly the same ones, and I wanted to get layed... soon.

After what seemed like years I found myself in the back corner of the giant place. This was where you went to find what you were REALLY looking for. Before leaving the crowd I stole a shot and slammed the too small glass down on the bar. I swaggered forward, feeling confident. I put my best smirk on as my gaze trailed across the sparse scattering of partygoers. I wanted to laugh when I caught sight of Mags, her mouth hanging open. It wasn't surprising for me to be heading in the direction of THAT corner, apperently she was in the set of mind SHE was getting layed tonight. Haha, sorry ole gal, not tonight. I'm not lazy tonight, I want real ass. I walked straight past the poor girl and forgot her.

Looking through the darkness of the corner I skimmed through the prospects. A couple looked alright, a couple too buff, a couple obviously underaged to be here. Everyone knew you came here to get smashed, dance until you drop, and get fucked. My kind of place. The newbies looked nervious, well most. A few I hadn't seen before. Inching close my eyes zeroed in. Mmmm... Looks nice... Yup, I have my target.

A guy who looked to be of medium height sat comfortably in a chair. His legs sprawled a little and his arms loose as he barely held onto his glass. But he wasn't drunk, I could tell that much. I went to enough of these things to see a lion in disguise. He was waiting. His glass was half full. Probably just enough to give him a slight buzz.

"Hey, new here, sexy?" he looked up, I guessed he could see about as much as me, which consisted of only his outline.

"Yeah, I'm kinda new. What about you, you look like you know what your doing. Eh, bad boy?" He asked as he stood up. He was medium height, which left us almost the same, I couldn't tell who was taller. I liked that, but I didn't usually.

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