So much work

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Tomorrow was the first day of December. It has been quite a little bit of time ever since the kissing booth, but it seemed to be that the days only get longer and longer.

Beomgyu was struggling to catch up with the work he has got from school and the work he got from his dad. It annoyed him with the amount of work he has stacked up, making him have no time for anything else.

And Taehyun was there to watch his love suffer through all this. He tried to help him a few times, but Beomgyu wouldn't even let him help with his work. Because he wanted to do the work all by himself and Beomgyu just wouldn't let him.

He is the type to do all work on his own, no help at all. Even if he gets a bad grade for it, doesn't matter as long as he has done it himself. He doesn't even ask for help.

It was a weekend, though. Meaning Beomgyu had the whole day.

But he is spending the whole day completing his unfinished work.

Taehyun suddenly had the urge to get him to stop doing work for once enjoy a day off. The ghost watched as Beomgyu scribbled down some words on paper, yet not understanding his work which makes it slower for him to complete.

"Beomie, you've been at it for 5 hours now. It's already 2pm. How about you take a break now?"

"Not now, Hyunie. If I do, I won't be able to complete all my work before the end of the week."

"Can I pleaseee help you? Please?"

"Nuh uh. I think the teachers would know what my work and your work looks like separately."



"Pretty please?"

"Taehyun, no."

"Can I do just onee?"

Beomgyu sighs and looked up at him. "Ok, only one. What do you wanna do?"

"I want to do.. you." Taehyun smirks.

"Bruh." Beomgyu gave him an 'are you serious' look, his arms crossed.

"Aha, I'm joking, love." Taehyun leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Beomgyu immediately smiling.

"Then which one?"

"This one." Taehyun grabbed a whole stack of paper.

"That isn't one.." Beomgyu pouts.

"Nope, it definitely is. One full stack." He explains proudly.

"Smarty pants." Beomgyu huffs. "Fine, go ahead." He went back to his math homework.

Taehyun cracked his knuckles before starting Beomgyu's work, using ghostly knowledge of the entire world to do it super quickly. In just an hour, all the work he had was done.

Yet Beomgyu was still on the same paper. "Beomie, are you done?"

"No.. are- you?" Beomgyu hesitantly looked up. Taehyun smiles, nodding. Beomgyu sighed. "I see, well.." he looked at his paper again.

"I can help you with the rest." Taehyun happily jumped on top of Beomgyu's back. They were laying down.

"I.. guess a little help is okay.."

"Yes! Ok, so first you blah blah blah." Math sucks so Taehyun can do the explaining himself.

In the end, Beomgyu smiled, finally understanding the math problem. "Thank you Hyunie. I really needed that."

"Anything for you my love~"

Beomgyu and Taehyun ended up finishing all his homework right before 5pm. Then the rest of the day, Beomgyu finished his dad's paperwork around 6pm.

"Finally." Beomgyu huffed, lying on his back.

"Beomie, now that you finished your work, there's something I'd like to show you." Taehyun said, holding his lover's waist to pull him up.

"Hm? What is it?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun smiled lovingly at him before giving him a long kiss on the lips, pulling away after a while. "Here." He then flew towards the window with Beomgyu in his ghost form.

"Eh?" Beomgyu looked at him confused. "How did you do that?"

"I dunno. I learned it a while ago." Taehyun shrugs.

New knowledge. Taehyun can turn Beomgyu into his ghost form by kissing him. The other way was just by pushing his soul away from his body, so kissing is a lot more work. But, kissing is so much better so that's Taehyun's new favorite way.

"Well, in that case, are we going on a new adventure?"

"Of course we are. Shall we?" Taehyun smiled, holding out his hand.

"We shall." Beomgyu smiled back, connecting their hands.

With a few steps off the railing, the two fly off into the sunset.

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