o2. About Stressed Brides..

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"Why do we have to kill her?" Damp flesh creaked against a sink's rust, much louder than the frailty shriveled through her lapsed voice; Daisy Vince tightened her hands on the filthy margin, inhaling fatigue through the steam suffocating the claus...

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"Why do we have to kill her?" Damp flesh creaked against a sink's rust, much louder than the frailty shriveled through her lapsed voice; Daisy Vince tightened her hands on the filthy margin, inhaling fatigue through the steam suffocating the claustrophobically small bathroom. 

Sweat dripped down to her wrist from all the way up her shoulders, despite having previously stripped herself of her shirt. That ripped material still fumed on the floor, right beside her feet, though it has been a while since it caught fire. It was hard to tell anything related to the directive of 'when'; time went by differently since she has awakened in that small space with nothing but a reflection for company. 

Her gasping for air has weakened to mere scarce breathing altogether. Daisy's fatigue left her features in a fearful contortion, while thirst deprived her lips to blacken. She's been in a constant state of fever. 

No windows, no ventilation, no water. 

The last thing she remembered were just a handful of stretched in blurs. At first, only haunting her during dreams, while the parasite spread and took over her mind. She should have known. Damn it, she should have known when her telepathy was taken from her. In these dreams, she often found herself locked in this Hell, but soon, the waking moments seemed to shorten, while the prison time lengthened; now, she could almost say she has gotten used to watching her life play out through the mirror, while something else took over her real flesh.

She had watched helplessly how Thor turned unsuccessful in saving her from this plague Daisy could now finally call by name: the Phoenix Force. 

It has long eyed her. Perhaps this has always been its plan. In surging paranoia growing frivolously in this environment, she was convinced that the Phoenix had always schemed to get her shot, to force her mutation to modify and evolve past its anticipated limits. It wanted her to get stronger and stronger... and Thanos... Wasn't the Phoenix Force which opened the portal, which handed her over to the Mad Titan on a silver platter?

To her delusional mind, it could all be blamed on momentarily blindness, sparking up ever ounce of guilt and regret that she could possibly muster in a madding swirl. At the end of the day, Daisy was aware she should have known better than to trust the apparent absence of a primordial force which always exists; she should have known better than to trust that pull of the deep cosmos that she felt right after the Battle of Tuun.  

And once she realized the Phoenix Force took over her mind, it was too late to save her own autonomy. 

Staring up into the steamed mirror over which she dragged her hand to clear the surface momentarily, torching eyes stared back at her. An identical copy, though must more healthy and dry, permanently grinned a mockery to her condition. It was for the better: burn scars on her arms proved that seeing a copy of herself was much better than seeing the actual splinter of the Phoenix's power which the universe had.

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