part 1: Y/N's dream

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a/n hiiiii author here >u< i really hope u enjoy reading this!!! i dunno what else to say but enjoy i hope u like this!!! <3
btw the reader is around 26 im this :3

y/n l/n woke up from her bed to her irritating alarm clock. is it already time for me to get up..? she mentally groaned. she pulled off the covers of her official foundation provided bed and rubbed her eyes with her fist. after she sat in her bed for 2 minutes, she decided to get up and get dressed for the day. she walked over to her closet, and decided to wear her favorite hoodie, which had the scp foundation symbol with cat ears. she loved this hoodie because it reminded her of josie the half cat, who she adored before she was transferred to another site.

she walked over to her dresser and brushed out her hair and put it into a ponytail with some of her hair left to hang. she smiled and said to herself "wow, i look cute this morning!" she then left her room, but not before grabbing her keycard. she was an scp, but because she was very trustworthy and her reality bending powers weren't used against the foundation, she was allowed to work there and didn't have to be heavily contained.

she walked to the cafeteria to get her morning coffee and breakfast, but on the way, she saw her biggest crushe!! it was dr. alto clef (which, she noticed yet ignored, looked completely human and lacked his third eye)!! she met thim on her first day at the foundation after they captured her when they found out about her powers, but he scared her at first.

y/nhad heard about how many scps that clef had killed. but after she saw him in a breach fighting off all of the keters, she instantly wanted to become his friend. y/n one day in the past decided to walk up to him and talk to him, and he instantly liked being around her.

she's had a crush on him for a while, but she didn't want to make clef upset, so she never said anything. y/n waved at him on her way, and he blushed and waved back. she kind of ignored it, thinking she was just seeing things. there's no way he blushed at me!!! she thought!

after she got her coffee (breakfast could be put off for later) she instantly ran to find the blonde. she was feeling confident, and was going to confess to them both today!!

"H-Hi Clef!" she said, stuttering from how nervous she was!!
"Oh, hey Y/N~" clef said in his usual flirty tone. Y/N blushed at that.

"I-I have something I want to tell you." she said "I-I've had a crush on you for a long time, and-" clef pulled her into a hug before she could even finish her sentence, and kissed her on her head because Y/N was very short.

Y/N blushed like crazy!! "I have had a crush on you ever since I saw you" he said. Y/N started to cry out of joy!!

And then it woke up.

Item #: SCP-████

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-████ is currently housed at Site-██. SCP-████ is to be kept in a 5 x 5 meter cell furnished with a bed, a nightstand, a pen, a stack of lined paper, and a bookshelf containing exclusively fictional books.

Reasonable requests for personal items and modifications to the containment suite may be granted upon approval by a Level 4 and higher authority. To date, SCP-████ has requested:

• An Android Smartphone with internet access (denied)
• A pen (granted)
• Lined paper (granted)
• A weighted blanket (granted)

During an event of an object or person vanishing while SCP-████ is asleep, the object is to be woken as soon as possible and asked if it has dreamed. If so, SCP-████ is to be interviewed on the contents of it's dream.

Description: SCP-████ is a female humanoid of European descent, and appears to be around 13 years of age, however, it does not show any signs of aging physically or mentally. It has brown hair and green eyes, and is 1.57 meters in height and weighs 41kg.

SCP-████ claims to have originally lived in California, United States with it's mother and stepfather, however, no records indicate this to be true. The object claims it's name to be "Your name Last name," along with claiming it did not take it's stepfather's last name. When asked for the identities of it's parents, SCP-████ refused to give their names or any details to describe them.

SCP-████ has not outwardly expressed any will to breach containment, and has not made any attempt to do so using it's anomalous effects. Despite this, it has attempted to breach several times during containment breaches that give it a chance.

The object's anomalous effects only activate during sleep. If SCP-████ enters a dream, any specific people, objects, animals, or plants that she dreams about will vanish from their current location, leaving behind any objects that it either had no memory of, or does not wish to see. They will seemingly be taken into SCP-████'s dream. All memories and bodily changes such as wounds will be carried over into reality after the dream ends.

The object is able to completely manipulate it's appearance and age during it's dreams. These changes have never carried over after waking up. SCP-████ has also shown examples of manipulating the appearances of objects in it's dreams, but these have also never been shown to carry over.


Addendum ████-3:
SCP-████ is no longer allowed to know the identities of any researchers in the facility. All interviews are to be done with the interviewer's face or any major identifying features covered to prevent further breaches due to the object's effects.

Why the hell wasn't she given amnestics after that breach? Did nobody think about what could happen if she dragged someone into her dreams during a test?! -Dr. A Clef

(note: doctor bright has been removed.)

Author here, I had this idea and i wanted to do something with it :) This is heavily inspired by this tale:
I've actually never written an SCP article in my life, I don't even have a wikidot account. If i formatted anything incorrectly, PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE PLEEASE tell me!! I've attempted to do as well as I can on getting it correct. I. Might have tried too hard. I've based Clef's ending 'comment' off the testing logs for that one scp that's a green slime ball that can't be around dead bodies :P Most of the description was straight from my brain with no refrence (however i did use 105's page as a refrence for y/n's appearance.)

I'm going to be honest, this is absolute shit, but hey, it's my first time doing this y'know? I gave up mostly for the containment because 1. I don't feel like it. 2. I cannot find a good format for it, like anywhere. If anyone wants to give me a good example I would be super happy :)

thank god this exists, btw

tbh the entire time i was writing the beginning part i was evil laughing. sorry for anyone who wanted an actual x reader eheh.

not sorry for not writing the discovery, didnt feel like it :3

I think i've rambled enough, just let me know your thoughts :3
(the cover art actually is mine, btw. if you want any of my srs art i have an art book  trust me, it is not as silly as this cover)
- Lexi

~dreaming of you~ SCP Clef x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now