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It was the summer of 1989', there was only one day left in term until school was out. Y/n had spent this school year practically alone, but she didn't particularly mind it. Y/n enjoyed her own company, it gave her time to think, to observe, and to take in everything around her.

Y/n had always loved space, she loved the stars, the moon, and the sun. She knew no matter what they would always be there, and that reassured her in some comforting way. Not much was ever that consistent in her life, her parents always seemed to be out working for extended periods of time, and well to put it bluntly, she had no friends. She had no company except from the stars in the sky.

As much as she did enjoy being on her own, she was beginning to formulate a plan to make some real friends. Y/n had spent many weeks trying to build up the courage to talk to people at her school. But every time she got even close to walking over to someone she just freaked out, she wasn't really good with social interaction.

Y/n had decided she was going to attempt to make friends with the "Losers Club". If she was telling the truth, she never knew why they were called that, because they seemed pretty cool to her. The group consisted of 4 boys that had stuck together ever since Elementary school: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kasprak, Stanley Uris, and Bill Denbrough.

Richie had quite the reputation for being the class clown. He would constantly make jokes about everything, sometimes nobody else found them entertaining but him. He had earned the nickname "trashmouth" from many of his peers because of this, and we wore that name like a medal. He was truly the most carefree, confident kid Y/n had ever known.

Eddie was pretty much the complete opposite, he had always been a cautious, clean boy ever since Y/n could remember. One of her early memories of school was her falling off a swing and Eddie rushing over to make sure she wasn't too badly injured, it was a long time ago, but he had not changed since the interaction.

Stanley was a very polite, courteous boy. He always showed up to class on time, handed in his homework the day after it was set, and always looked pristine. But overall, he was kind. That was something Y/n had noticed from being in some of his classes, he always spoke with manners and in a calm tone. He was overall a nice kid.

Then there was Bill, he was probably the person in school that Y/n has spoken most with. They sat together in English, a favourite subject of the pair, they always discussed their ideas together because Y/n didn't feel nervous talking to him, and Bill knew Y/n wouldn't make fun of his stutter. They had shared some laughs the past year and Y/n knew she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't hang out with him more.

That was actually the reason Y/n was making the plan to find some friends, she really wanted to feel the way she did in English everyday, because that's when she felt the happiest. She had decided that at some point during the last day she was going to approach Bill and ask if they could hang out some time in the summer.

All she had to do was: actually talk to him, not be awkward, and hope he accepted her offer.

It couldn't be that difficult... Could it?!

★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.• ★*•.•*★

I hope you enjoyed the introduction! I am so excited to continue writing this story! :) Anyway! Until next time...

Stay safe, drink water

- Your bitch,

May <3

★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.•*★*•.•* ★*•.•*★

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