Chapter 8- Wolf fights

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Jenny's P.O.V

I can't believe this is Damion!

I though he was in the South Beach Pack?

But I guess not.

I am still walking with the other wolfs. Once we reach our stop Jake turns to me Follow me I nod and follow him to a tent. He goes inside and tells me to wait outside.

After about 3 minuets Jake tells me to go inside. He gives me a towel and tells me to change back into human form. I do as I was told and go behind a tree and change.

I walk into the tent and see a boy about my age maybe a year or two older. He has jet black hair and shinny green eyes. He was charming. 'Hi, I'm the Alpha of this pack, what happened here?' He took a look at my leg and when I looked down it was even worse than it was before.

I sobs form the pain 'Me and my brother we going to training and I think I fell over a rock, and I fell down a hill and I guess I scraped my leg' He just nodded and took out a wash cloth and some water with soap in it.

He started dabbing the wound and whimpered from the pain. 'I'm Kar, what's your name sweetheart?' His voice sounded caring and with sympathy. 'Jevervear, but please call me Jen or Jenny' I said with a smile. He smiled back 'I bet your wondering why I am helping you, right?'

'Right' Why was a Alpha wolf form another pack helping a wolf from a different pack.

'Well I a friend of Toby's and I can smell that you are his mate' I haden't seen Toby ever since he left my house a couple of days ago.

Toby was getting to me.

Really bad.

'Oh, okay' I said quietly.

Within about 30 odd minuets Kar was finished cleaning my wound.

'Alpha Kar, there is another pack coming into our territory' I heard Damion say to Kar.

'That must be my pack' they both looked towards me and nodded. 'Damion I want you to stay with Jenny just in case it's not them, understand?'

'Yes, Alpha Kar' Kar walked out of the tent leaving me and Damion alone.

'So, how are things going with you and your little Toby?' He chuckled sarcastically. I laughed and rolled my eyes. 'I don't know, and to be onset I don't really care' he smiled at that. 'So are you and I going out or what?'

I really don't know if we are. We both like each other and want to be mates. So I guess there is no problem with it.

What about Toby?

I mentally sighed. I do love Toby, but I just don't know. I came back to reality when Damion started leaning in.

His lips found mine within seconds. But the kiss didn't last long.

'Jenny!' Bombed and very angry voice. I new it was Toby's wolf coming tacking over. We both pulled apart form jumping form the anger in Toby's voice.

'Come on' Damion pulled me out of the tent and as soon as I stepped out of the tent. I was hugged by Toby.

'Thank goodness you are okay' he whispered into my ear holding me tight. 'I-I'm fine' I rapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

Electricity shot up and down my body with need. This was the first ever that I had hugged my mate. And it felt nice. 'Do you feel that?'

I knew what he was talking about. How could I not feel it. 'Yes' Toby tighten his hug not in a happy way but as in a, protectionist way.

'Let go' I new it was Damion's voice who said that. Toby growled and the other people from our pack came also growling. I saw Mike and he was in in wolf from. In fact they all were. My father was the one who looked like her was going to rip someone's head off in a minuet. 'Dad' I whispered and

My dad looked over to me Jenny, stay away from Damion My fathers voice came to me in my head. Why did every one keep on saying that? Now that I look at it. He always is a complete arse around Toby.

'Ah, Mr Wayne, haven't seen you in a while' Damion's voice broke me from my thoughts. My father growled telling him tp back off. But he just stood there with a smirk on his face. 'Oh don't be like that Mason, you and my father use to be good buddies, what ever happened to the good old times?' he said with a big old smirk on his perfect face.

Toby growled and help me tighter. I guess he must have read my mind. 'Sorry' i whispered. He nuzzled his nose to the crock of my neck and left it there. I was kinda of lying on my neck in a way. 'What is going on here?' My eyes gazed up at Kar and saw the look of confusion on his face. If i didn't know these people I would have the fame exasperation on my face as well.

Before anyone could answer my father jumped and tackled down Damion. I screamed. Every one in our pack and the other pack was now fighting. Toby was pulling me away, and now we were running away form the wolf fight.

I looked behind me and saw 3 wolfs coming after us. I panicked. 'Toby! Wolfs are coming after us!' I yelled at him while still running at full human speed.

Toby changed into his wolf and I jumped onto his back. Kinda of ridding a horse. But instead it's a big, big dog.

I looked back and saw that the other wolfs weren't running after us. But Toby didn't stop running.

Soon enough Toby and I got my house. My got inside and it was kind of wired having a wolf in my house. He was much bogged than any of the couches and other stuff.

I didn't have any cloths for him to get changed in. Mikes cloths were all to small for him.

Well Toby had a good body figure. And Mikes cloths will be much to small. There was a loud wolf chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Toby we was looking straight at me. I went into the bathroom and grabbed Mike's robe and chucked it at Toby.

It landed on his head and I ended up laughing. 'Thinks it's funny?'

I looked up and Toby was in the robe. It looked good on him. I gave him a innocent smile 'Very' He smiled evilly at me and walked over to the couch and sat down on the love seat.

I know what hes up to. I walked over there and sat on the single couch. And sighed happily ans spared out my legs to make it more comfortable for me.

'Do you want to watch something?' I asked Toby after a long minuet of silents.


I smiled and got up surching for a movie for me and Toby to watch. When I got out a movie, the front door busted open I screamed when the 3 wolves came running at us. Toby was telling to run up to my room and lock the door.

I took one step and I fell to the ground and saw blood. My eyes began to get heavy. Before darkness came over me I saw Damion biting Toby.

Darkness came over. . .



WILL TOBY BE OKAY, AND WHAT ABOUT JENNY? Fine out in the next chapter of My Mate Is The Bad Boy. . .

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