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Art request for S3L10_Sl33p ! Thank you for requesting 😁😁

Art request for S3L10_Sl33p ! Thank you for requesting 😁😁

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silly bros

i had fun with this one, i tried something new with the coloring and stuff 😧😧😧

little update for a follower; i watched object havoc and loved it so much i want to cry /silly

some deaths are a tad gruesome and i love seeing that in object show 😋

ill update my object tier list on my request page in a bit 😱😱

i try to watch new object show whenever i can soo. maybe i can get some suggestions on what i should watch next ??? :00

anyways thats all. i think. i never really have much to say on these 💀💀

im just. not that interesting 😭


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