01 - first day of school

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This is a work of fiction. Every place,event, character, characteristics, businesses,places,names and incidents in this book totally are the author's imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead,or actual events is purely coincidental.

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"Gosh, he is so handsome". Hana said while looking at the senior.

She called for Aera, who is playing with her phone.

"What's wrong with you? Oh my gosh this girl. She can't even take her eyes off from men".

Aera sighed heavily, wondering what are Hana talking about.

Hana pointed out her finger to the guy that was standing infront of them.

"Which one?"

"That one, the one that wore red tie".

Aera looked and saw there are two boys who are wearing red tie.

"Which one!"

"Aish the one that has a big eyes and a sweet smile".

"Ah, that person". Aera nodded and continued playing with her phone.

"He's handsome right?"

"Kinda". Aera replied shortly.

Hana sighed.

"Don't you want to find someone here? I mean looked at our seniors, they are so handsome".

Aera shook her head.

"I'm not interested".

"Even our batchmate..mostly they are goodlooking".

"Okay". She replied shortly.

"Yah his face looks like Kim Youngdae!"

"Where!" Aera quickly off her phone and looked at Hana.

She looked at her, waiting patiently while Hana were laughing because of her.

"Got you!"


"Okay attention students. I hope all of you can give your 100% attentions when I'm talking. Stop playing with your phone and write if there are anything important things that you need to write. I won't repeat it. Understand?" The discipline teacher said loudly, enough making the hall echoed by his voice.

"Understand teacher!" All of the students answered him loudly making him smiled.

Mr Joon, the most strict discipline teacher in the school. His voice was so loud, even though he is talking in the hall, but his voice can be heard at third floor.

Enough to disturb the others teachers teaching.

Mr Joon explained the rules of the school clearly. He explained it one-by-one to the students.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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