My heart knows you

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Hello my lovelies (๑♡⌓♡๑)
~~A little announcement before you proceed to read the story ahead.~~
I have many suspensions and buidups in this story so that the story would be interesting to read.. I want to make this story quite long so hopefully you guys will stick around with me till the end of the story. ( ˘ ³˘)♥

That's it🫰

~~~Enjoy the story~~~


Everyone is looking for her literally everywhere in the forest

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Everyone is looking for her literally everywhere in the forest. Jimin just ran towards the spot where he last saw her when he followed her up in the forest. He was worried. His heart was racing faster than usual. He was looking for her here and there while thinking, "Jimin you have to find her no matter what. Jia please just show up, you can't just disappear like this. I can feel you're still here somewhere." He stopped at one place and started shouting her name as loudly as he could.
On the other side, Jia was scared and exhausted still walking aimlessly in the forest to find her friend. Her cell phone battery was also about to die because it has its flashlight on for quite a long time. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name. She stopped for a moment and started talking to herself, "Is someone calling my name? Am I hearing it right or it's just my illusion. I felt like I heard a guy's voice calling my name. " she was confused because nobody knows her there, neither she knows a guy who could call her name in that jungle. Then again she thought, "maybe I'm just imagining it inside my brain." But Jimin was calling her name repeatedly and kept on looking for her. After a few seconds, Jia heard it again someone calling her name. This time she was sure of it that she heard a guy calling her name. She got a ray of hope. She thought it was probably Eunwoo who was calling her name.
Everyone there in the forest is calling her name while looking for her. Jimin's heart was pounding. He kept on telling himself, "Jimin, you can find her. She's just here somewhere. Look closely. Look properly. Nothing wrong could happen to her. Just keep on looking for her." He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He was exhausted physically as well as mentally. He's been screaming and running around the forest for more than an hour now but there was no sign of Jia. He kept on thinking about the last time he saw her in front of him. There was a sudden urge of seeing someone started building up inside him. And it was Jia. He just wanted to have her all safe and stable in front of his eyes. He started talking to himself, "I can't give up so easily. This strong desire to have that girl in front of me has not just simply built up inside me. I don't know why am I getting this desperate to find her when I don't even know that girl. Whatever it is I have to find her. Jia, please just be safe for the god sake. I'll find you for sure." He rose to his feet and ran again to look for Jia. Suddenly, while running he collided with something or somebody we can say. And both of them just fell to the ground. It was dead dark in there coz Jimin's phone fell from his hand and the flashlight turned off. Even though they can't see each other, Jimin could feel that it was her, Jia. She was not in a good condition. She has no energy left in her body. He rose to her feet somehow. She was gotten completely blank for a few seconds, and So does Jimin. He couldn't think straight. The first and only word he could able to utter was "Jia." and it was clear enough to bring Jia back to her normal sense. She heard her name from the person who was standing in front of her. She didn't think anything anymore. She just ran up to him immediately and wrapped her arms around his neck. He took a deep breath and sighed a breath of relief. He felt like he had finally accomplished something that he have been manifested for. He hugged her back. That's when Jia whispers, "Eunwoo, where is Moon?" her voice was weak and cracked. Jimin realized that she has mistaken him for Eunwoo which was understandable because she doesn't know any other guy besides Eunwoo. He giggles as he tightened his arms around her tiny figure. He asked, "Jia, you're f.." He stopped at his mid-sentence as he felt her body in his arms getting heavier. Overwhelmed by so many emotions and exhausted from running and looking for the way back to her friend around the forest Jia fainted while she was in his embrace. Jimin panicked but he didn't let her body fall down. He started calling her name, "Jia...Jia can you hear me, Jia." He carefully lift her in his arms and took her to a better corner. He put the lower part of her body down on the ground and he was still holding the upper part of her body in his embrace. He checked her pulse and heartbeat. Which were fortunately normal. And he sighed. He started talking to that unconscious Jia, "You are fine Jia. You are absolutely alright. And I don't know why does it making me so happy." He looked at her injuries such as bruises and several cuts on her neck, hands, and face. He said, "You've got so many injuries. These wounds, these cuts. You need to be taken to the hospital, These wounds and cuts should be treated as soon as possible or your condition may get worse." After sitting there for a few minutes. He carefully rose to his feet by lifting Jia in his arms. He was like, "Hhmmmm, let me just take you outta this damn jungle that tried to capture this ethereal piece. Sorry, Mother Nature I have to disappoint you. You tried well but in the end, Jimin is the winner." He giggled as he looked down at Jia's resting face on his shoulder. And added further, "Well I can't blame this jungle though." A sudden realization hits him back, "What the hell are you thinking Jimin? Stop claiming yourself as a superhero. If she'll get back to her sense now, she will definitely take you as a pervert and gonna kick your ass. Aishh let's not waste our time thinking such pointless stuff. Let's go." He started walking slowly. Luckily he's a person with a good memory so he still remembers the way out of that area. He kept on talking to her while walking. He knows she can't hear him saying all those words but still he just wanted to talk to her. He was like, "Though you're light in weight but girl, I'm already kinda tired. But it's ok. Don't worry. We'll be getting outta this area soon." He sighed, "You know I'm an introverted person who never gets even anywhere close to the people that I don't know of. For the first time, I'm lifting a girl like this in my arms." he giggled as he said that and shook her head and then continued, "Your name says a lot about you, and I have already figured out what kind of girl you are but still, I would like to know more about you. This is the first time we're meeting each other. But why it feels like my heart knows you forever."

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