First day back at school

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Gabby's POV

I got up at about 6 AM took a shower and put on some clothes. "Good morning Gabby!" my mother greeted me with her usual smile "Where is Kat? I want to talk to you both before you go" At that moment, Kat came downstairs, half asleep, her hair a mess and thankfully dressed. "Oh get over here you." *motions to Kat* "I'm guessing you forgot today was the first day?" Mom asked. "Yeah... Yes" Kat replied. She sat down on a stool so mom could do her hair. "So you know? It's the first day of school right? The headmaster has given everyone a letter with all the rules and expectations. I suggest you read them. I myself have a few rules for you. No friends here without my permission" *Mom looks at Kat* "No going out anywhere without my permission."*Mom looks at me*. "Okay?" Mom says. "Yes mom!" Me and Kat reply. "Now, of you go to school before the bus leaves." Me and Kat grab the letters and some toast and head out.

"Damn, Gabby have you seen the rules Head gave us?" That's Chloe, my best friend. Always have been, always will be. "No I haven't" "I just got it" I added. 


Dear Gabrella Sparks,

Welcome back to GOA! (Golden Oak Academy)

As you may know every year comes with new rules and expectations. All rules from last year will stay the same except for a few rules. 

1. The no classrooms rule.

You are now allowed in all the classrooms, except science, with permission from a SF

2. No phones rule

Last year we seemed to not make it clear that you aren't allowed on your phone. Let me make it clear that if any of the staff see you with a phone, you will be given an hour detention doing trash duty.

3. School dresscode

We are very lucky to be a school without uniform, don't abuse it. On the first day of school you will receive our new dresscode book. It contains what to wear and what not to.

At the start of the year you will be given:

A planner

All subject books

A map of the school

A timetable

5x bathroom passes (Each term)

A notebook

2x Mental heath days 

A locker

Your homeroom/tudor for this year is Mrs. Evan Nebarez. Please treat her with respect. Your homeroom/tudor will be in the art classroom A6.

If you have an issues please speak to your homeroom teacher or me.

Have a great school year!

From Mr. H Hardly


"It's not that bad" I said. "That's because your an optimist!" Chloe argued.  *Kat laughs* "Oh come on, the bus is here". We take the bus and get to school a little bit to early. So we split up with Kat to go the park and have some icecream. "So do you think Mrs. Nebarez is going to be a good teacher?" I asked. "Wha-?" Chloe said through a mouthful of icecream. "Our new homeroom teacher." I said. "OHH I don't know. School's gonna start in 5 minutes so let's go"

Me and Chloe walked back to school where we were rushed by the Vice. "Hey, you two, get into the hall assembly's about to start!" Mr. Hampshire screamed. He's always like this don't worry. We headed to the hall, where a dozen seats  had been placed. "Hey sit down here!" Kat whisper-shouted. We took our seats whilst Head went to the stage and took the microphone "Good morning GOA students and welcome back to a new fresh start to the year! Now before we start, I must talk about the rules and expectations of this school...." Then Head goes on a 10 minute rant about how we "broke" all the rules. "Anyway! Let's start with some announcements. I have elected Head boys/girls, class captains etc etc" I wasn't really listening so all I heard were that Kat was elected assistant head girl and Chloe had been elected class captain. Good for them. "Before I end this assembly" Head added. "I have an important announcement. Our school used to be the top school. Best mental health, best education, best teachers and Their students. But last year was the worst year of GOA. So, to fix all our problems we will be introducing pen pal" The whole school gasps. "We have partnered with Ridgeview Academy to produce them. You will have time at home break time and lunch times and in homeroom"

The Head dismissed us and we went to out homeroom. "Right everybody, BE QUIET!!! My name is Mrs. Nebarez and I will be your homeroom teacher for this year. Let me go over the rules" One things for sure, Mrs. Nebarez can sure talk. "As you may know from the Headmaster, this year you will be given pen pals from a school named Ridgeview Academy. I have assigned them by wheel but the Headmaster said you can swap and switch." Mrs. Nebarez handed everyone a slip with their pen pals full name and email.


David McMiller


"Damn that's a nice name, wanna switch?" Chloe pleaded. "Sur- wait wai- wait" I paused.. "Who do you have?" "Some guy name Reece Todd or something" Chloe replied. "Sure" We switched papers and I took out my laptop. "GOA have to email first" I muttered. I opened up Gmail and sent Reece an email.


Dear Reece Todd, 

My name is Gabby and I am you pen pal for this year :D

Hope we can be best friends!


After tutor time, we did lessons as usual at breaktime me and Kat talked about our pen pals. "I got someone name Erza Esmelda" Kat said "Hopefully she's good". "Oh she's already emailed me"

After suffering the last hours of school, we finally got to go home!

We were greeted by mom, who also couldn't stop gushing about Kat's election, I went to my room and opened my laptop to see Reece had replied to my email.

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