♡ Chapter 6 ♡

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With It Being Only On The Last Hour Of Valentine's Day

The Villager Had To Come Up With A Way To Reach The Queen Before Midnight

Or Else This Holiday Would Surely Be Ruined

Still In The Field Of Sorrow, Branch Paced Back n Forth, Panicking And Trying To Figure Out What To Do.

Branch Pulled His Ears.

"Branch Branch, Calm Down"
Cupid Tried To Calm Branch.

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN! I've Wasted The Entire Day Trying To Get This Stupid Stone For Poppy, And I Won't Even Make It On Time To Give It To Her!"
Branch Replied.

Cupid Patted On Branch's Shoulder.
"It's Going To Be Alright"

Branch Glanced Over At Cupid's Wings And Got An Idea.
"Wait- Cupid! You Got Wings! Maybe You Can Fly Me Over To Bergen Town!"

"Branch, I May Be Cupid And Can Fly, But I Can't Carry Someone Heavy As You That Far"
Cupid Raised His Eyebrow At Him.

"Heyyy, I'm Not That Heavy"
Branch Jiggled His Stomach.

Cupid Shrugged.

Branch Got Frustrated, Kicking The Grass.

"Hhhh...I Give Up"
Branch Sat Down On A Nearby Rock And Covered His Face.

Cupid Watched Branch Get All Frustrated And Upset, Feeling Bad That He Knows That Branch Tried His Best To Do Something For The One He Loves.

Cupid Flew Over To Branch And Sat Next To Him On The Rock.
"Look Branch, I Know Things May Seem Frustration Right Now, But The Important Thing Is That Your Heart Was In The Right Place This Entire Time"

"Yeah, My Heart Might've Been...But Not Me Physically"
Branch Sighed Into His Hands.

"Well, Like They Always Say, There's Always A Bright Silver Lining!"
Cupid Insured As He Nodded.

Suddenly, A Bunch Of Bright Lights Shined Down On The Two, Up Above In The Sky, Hovering Over The Field Of Sorrow.

"And I Didn't Mean Aliens 0__0"
Cupid Looked Up.

Branch Stood Up, Trying To See What It Was But The Light Was Too Bright, And The Wind Blew Amongst Him And The Grass.

It Was The Vibe City Spaceship, Opening Up From Above, And Sending Down Numerous Bubbles To The Field.

The Leaders And Every Troll In The Kingdom Came Down From Their Bubble And Landed Around Branch In A Circle.

Branch Looked Around At All The Trolls Surrounding Him.

The Leaders Shout Out.

"I Knew That Was Him!"
Prince D Said.

"What Are You Guys Doing Here??"
Branch Questioned.

"We Could Be Asking You The Same Thing Sugar"
Delta Said.

Trolls - The Queen & The Wonderous Wishstone: A Valentine's Fairytale Where stories live. Discover now